Patiently awaiting for this Capricorn woman to say yes, is it worth the wait?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Of course we’re worth the wait! 🤪
I always heard that Scorpio and Capricorn make a good match.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Of course we’re worth the wait! 🤪
I always heard that Scorpio and Capricorn make a good match.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Spoiler alert it’s his peen
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Jun 18, 2017Comments: 3657 · Posts: 5507 · Topics: 76
Yes worth it if there is some kind of progress...
Don't wait for a ghost either but if there's even bits of progress it's worth it.
There are other deserving women in the world! She will never know how great our relationship can be, unless she seduces me lol. I promise her, it will be the best she will experience in her lifetime. I will bring out the woman in her, satisfying her in ways unimaginable and fulfilling all her desires. This woman is a man eater, you know the song Juicy. I am that confidant..... N1224, don't be shy, I promise you pleasures immensely, many women want and never receive.
She's cold, snoobish, yet burning with desire! lol I won't come on to her. I think she has two personalities and maybe even biopolar. She knows how I've felt about her for years, I think I will leave well enough alone. Let her be miserable by herself. If she wants this man, she has to show me! Otherwise, it will never happen I don't need her games life is short, besides she probably isn't worth it. At this point it is her move, lol
She is like no other woman I had met! AM not one to brag, am old enough that I have had many relationships, all fulfilling . I don't wish to give my age. Every woman, I repeat, every woman loved me, but I was one to never tie the knot until later in life. I am 15 yrs. her senior. I have known her a long time. I've watched her mature from a young girl to the woman she is today. Over the years, I have come to love her. This woman is nearing 50 yrs. of age. I've asked myself because having never seen her with man could she a virgin? Sounds unrealistic in today's world, but possible. Many factors exist in our lives which has kept us from being with each other. Now the time is ripe and right, she is a fountain of beauty! Even with her head silver her body is that of a young woman lol. I having know how the aging process is reversed with Capricorns, this woman N1224 is a real jewel. You say make the move, just how would I go about it, say you are her?
Yes, I'm old fashioned! I love fried chicken, crispy and hot right out of the pan w/ hot sauce.
Dunno about scorp and cap.. I just ghosted a scorp, because he was too clingy and want to validate and talk about love too much (okay yall are intense) but I feel like I was in a fantasy-land which I wasn't very comfortable about. I love the assertiveness but I wanted more groundedness from them.
I've !ost feelings for her. No doubt she has issues. She knows me very well. I'd say a good catch for any woman. I know she likes me, but I'm moving on. She can continue with her sex toys all she wants. I don't think she would feel confident with any man. I' ve tried everything to get her to respond positively or negatively, she has not responded to any of my texts. It's like she loves playing this game. If she doesn't want any type of a relationship, why does she keep receiving my texts. It makes me believe something is there. At this point, she can forget about anymore advances from me. She will not miss what she has never had. Like I said, I have many women wishing I would ask them out. Only she has caught my attention and heart. I wish her well...and if she ever gets with this Scorpio, I will remember everything she put us through deriving at this point. I will wear this Capricorn woman out. I hear they are great at sex and will out last their partners, not this Scorpio man. I truly believe she is afraid and can't trust herself, and maybe even inadequate of experiencing love. Good bye, 1224