Sex first- then exclusivity..?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by PuraLeo on Sunday, June 9, 2013 and has 11 replies.
Do Capricorn men with their high sex drives punish you or think less of you if you have sex before becoming exclusive?
Do you buy a car without taking it out for a test-drive?
Depends on how fast you put out, tbh.
Regardless of sign, men can be really dumb about this type of thing. If you put out too fast, you're always going to have an issue with how the guy treats you afterward.
If you wait a bit, you're less likely to come across it.
Exclusivity isn't always the defining factor.
Regardless, it's ridiculous that women have to plan out the timing of when they want sex in order not to be treated badly. It's a lame assed double standard.
That's a guy thing, not really Cap related.
Well, I'm old school, but I think guys feel that if you give it to them too soon, then you're not discerning who you sleep with and they wonder who all else you've given it up to. Then, they won't have a relationship with someone who's given it up to everyone else.
The advantage of that is if you wait, it allows them to learn to really like you instead of what you're giving out and you know they really like you if they keep coming around. It helps weed out the "lets be FWB" kind of guys, too and lets a man know you know your self worth.
Want to hear something funny? I know an aqua guy (not mine) that tries to tell women that feelings only come after sex.
You'd be surprised with the number of women who go along with this.
I hear ya Stillwater. The double standard sucks!!
Thanks, all!
I don't like playing, but they seem to be a necessary evil. It's just an awkward situation when there's tremendous chemistry and we both want to, but there's some imaginary price to paid that's looming if we were to proceed.
I've had sex with some men earlier on and things evolved into a serious relationship, even a marriage. But something in me says this one is different..
I agree- Screw the double standard, no pun intended..
*playing games*, I meant Winking
There's a thread about "sex too soon" on the relationships board.
Capricorn men are very traditional, so your gut instinct is probably correct in this case. Hang in there girl!
Buy some stock in Everready batteries! lol!