Should I give this Cap a second chance?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by AquaSun on Friday, April 4, 2008 and has 5 replies.
OK, If I say I've moved on from the cap I'll be in denial. I'm still a teeny, tiny bit stuck to the past.
He still continues to contact me on a weekly basis.
And I don't want to hear the usual "move on", "you're still wet behind the ears", "you have you're whole life ahead of you to think about relationships" rubbish. Just forget for a moment that I'm 18.
Also consider that he had two situations around the time he met me that involved a girl he planned on dating betray him with one of his friends (older female, btw, 5 months before we met) and another he was getting to know just 3 weeks prior to meeting me was planning on spreading some lies to make him jealous (with her friend(I'm going by what he told me)). And he's made it clear a few times that he doesn't trust girls. And I would wonder, "WTF are you doing hanging out with me?" (although he did say at one time that he did trust me, but I don't think he was sure about his answer). So he basically got screwed by two girls within a few months.
*Sigh* Just tell me what you think. Any useful advice would be greatly appreciated.
"You are leaning towards giving him a chance"
Not exactly. Well, I feel that if I were to give him a second chance, I'll probably be much harder to pin down after experiencing what I did with him. He'll have to work to get me to fully give in second time around. I don't think he'll be up for the challenge though :/
"So give him a chance, since you will not feel right if you don't!"
Actually, I know I'll be okay. I know I said I've moved on and MOST of me has. But the phone calls is what influenced me to give the idea a thought. If he had stopped calling a long time ago, I would have just shrugged it off and acted as if we never even met.
"I don't know your previous story but seems like he treated you badly because of these two girls....."
Wow. That's what I felt but I didn't know exactly how to put it. I did feel like he used his experiences with the two girls and took out what ever he was feeling out on me. What you said sums it up just right smile
Just call the guy back for gosh sakes... Find out what he wants. He is not leaving any messages with all these calls?? Maybe he's dying, moving to Zimbabwe, or something-
"Just call the guy back for gosh sakes... Find out what he wants. He is not leaving any messages with all these calls?? Maybe he's dying, moving to Zimbabwe, or something-"
I can't. The service on his cell phone was canceled a few months ago. And he calls me from a friends phone (that I know) or on private sometimes. So there's really no way I can reach him. And I'm not showing up to his house and ringing his doorbell. Too awkward. And stalker-ish.