"Shut these kind of people out"True about Cappies?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Carolz on Sunday, July 26, 2015 and has 10 replies.
Source: Zodiac Mind


"When they feel taken advantage of or taken for granted , they grow old and shut people out"

Well its so true about me but is it true for all cappies? How do you deal with such people ? I usually prefer not to argue with them and simply shut them out ..
When my mind is made up on someone.... then they gone..... shut out and shunned for all eternity
Posted by cappygirl11
When my mind is made up on someone.... then they gone..... shut out and shunned for all eternity

Me three.
+1 its my only real defense mechanism
But in my opinion noboday can do it like a Capricorn can. We shut people out forever.....
Not something to be proud of but its true. Other signs may ignore but eventually come around or allow angry exchanges here and there.

We shut you out like you never existed.
Yes. Nothing to be proud of.
Let me put it this way.... i have had enough of my aunt and her bullying.... i kicked her out my dad's home. .... also I don't plan on going to her or her hubby funeral.....and they ain't even old
I will absolutely shut them out. I shut out my brother and didn't talk to him for 2 years until my mother begged me to talk to him. I don't dwell on the person, they just no longer exist in my mind. It's a gift (or curse) many Capricorns possess.
I don't remember any instances, but I'm more than capable.

I think we are only capable of it because we never really let down all of our walls, but I don't know.

I probably need to use my erasing powers.