So, is this the next phase for a Cap..?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by PuraLeo on Friday, February 7, 2014 and has 13 replies.
My Cap bf was so mindful about what he'd say to me when we started dating a couple months ago. Now he's started trying to mess with me and give me crap- consistently. Several times an hour he'll poke fun at me.
I don't mind, but it's such a sudden shift I can't tell if the romance is dying? Or is this just him getting more comfortable?
I think Caps poke fun at people if they like them. Otherwise i truly do not think they would be bothered or think twice about the person long enough to put in the effort.
My Cap gives me a hard time and will challenge me but Its always done with affection i think
Appreciate your input Winking
Thing is, we practically live together with as much time as we spend together. It's not like he's teasing to get my attention to ask me out or something..?
Can't tell where it came from all the sudden and I'm hoping he's not losing interest, I guess.
I'd say so
I say something about wishing I had time to work out more. He makes a joke that insinuates I got out of bed late, like I'm lazy or something.
I say something about my Puerto Rican heritage. He says something like 'well, you sure drink a lot of rum."
Then he'll smile and act like I have no sense of humor.
I'm not a pansy, it's just that he's be delicate with what he says to me and never tried to make me the butt of a joke before. Let alone multiple times in one sitting.
Is this just the natural progression, or budding disrespect? I can't tell.
Put it right back on him. Don't miss a beat. He might be looking for some witty banter.
I'd say he's just more comfortable with you and is trying to lighten things up and he's trying to show his humor.
However, if it bothers you, just sweetly tell him you'd appreciate not being the butt of his jokes. He should appreciate and understand that.
Posted by truecap
Put it right back on him. Don't miss a beat. He might be looking for some witty banter.
I'd say he's just more comfortable with you and is trying to lighten things up and he's trying to show his humor.

That's what it feels like. I've been giving it back to him in my sassy Leo way.
Just find that (most) Caps are so polite! The few I know have earthy senses of humor, but he's never tried poking fun at me so I couldn't tell if he was testing my ballsyness or something..
I'd ask why you so upset about having fun poked at you?
and why you would think that the cap you speak of is poking fun at you when it seems to me that they arent?
Well, it's all about perception, I guess.

I'm not upset. I absolutely relish him.
I was trying to figure out if there's a reason behind the sudden change in behavior, considering Caps seems so deliberate in what they do. Or if he's just getting comfortable in our relationship. I care about him enough to want to understand him better Winking Hope that makes sense.
Posted by caliber
He's comfortable with you. I joke with people I know and know pretty well. Even if it's at thier expense lol it's just playful banter. If shots are fired I expect to be hit back. Strangers, not so much depending on the setting.. you worry too much chickie :p

Appreciate you, and all the responses. I do analyze too much because I'm so damn into him. You Caps are like a language that I want to make sure I'm learning right Winking
Caps can be very polite but they are also very good at figuring out your weak spots. And we will make fun of them if we know you can handle it. We expect to be hit back in return and expect you to mention it if you don't like it. Winking
And sometimes knowing a sensitive spot can be too much fun not to poke at.
A friend of my Virgo is pretty small and I was told "whatever you do, do NOT call her small" warning me that she is going to go ballistic on anyone that mentions it...
However, seeing that I am probably 40-50cm taller that she is I already know I will have a hard time resisting this. >Big Grin
So, bounce it back or give him feedback. smile

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