Stop Analyzing ladies

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by lal on Friday, June 28, 2013 and has 7 replies.
This is just a suggestion.
All i want to say is that their is no hidden meaning or hidden message in any damn thing. See what your eyes show , feel what your feeling share. Please do not assume what "could be there" .
Good advice to take things at face value.
But, we're women, dang it! We analyze. That's what we do! lol!
Throw in a Gem Moon - CURSED!
We have a need to analyse and wonder what it is guys means..if only they made sense and communicated clearly instead of cryptic few word
But yes agree with feel the mood and let it take u to the nxt level
Posted by BalmyTigress
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by BalmyTigress
What I hate is when I feel one thing and get told something else. Do I trust my instincts or give the benefit of doubt to a person who's telling me something else? Especially if you care for someone, you'd rather go with what ever would offer you hope to get what you want.

Same here. I'm Virgo Ascendant and Virgo Mars. Thinking is all i do.

Well, I think that trusting instincts is the opposite of thinking.
click to expand

True, gut feeling can be unreliable. But honestly, my instinct can also work as a way for my subconscious to work some things out. The times where I didn't know what to do at a particularly moment but found a perfect solution a few days later all out of the blue are numerous. Tongue
My instinct works best when it comes to people. I'm pretty neutral about most people so whenever I have a gut reaction I take notice.
But I'm very cautious with my instincts. My imagination is pretty strong too, so it can be hard to differentiate between the two. A recent example would be a friend of a friend I met a few months ago. First thing I said was; "He is a cool guy, great at parties. But he will ditch his girlfriend as soon as he can find something new." A few months later, the exact scenario plays out. But the images I had at the time... Tongue
It feels better to trust. So true, that gut reactions can be the subconscious telling us to step back and work on things for a few days. Best to act after a few days, and when calm.
Sometimes, when I write based on feeling it helps, but then I must stop and be calm. Definitely wary of action based on the gut reaction without the space of calm smile