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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I just felt like posting something that happened to me today regarding a Cap guy. I've never dated a Cap guy either (although there was one a few years ago who I had quite a crush on). Well, about 3 weeks ago a Cap guy who works in the same mall where I work, asked me out. I just couldn't believe it. I've seen him for almost 6 years and never, never once did he ever look my way and nor did I ever look at him. It wasn't until he found out how old I was when he started talking more and more to me. I have hestations because I'm 30 and he's 44 years old. Yeah, I know age is nothing but a number, but it's quite a bit. Anyway, when he asked me out, I was taken so aback that I said "Oh, brother and I asked him why me? He took me by complete surprise and that was the first thing that came to my head. He laughed though. I was serious because I couldn't figure out what his game was, and I have no time for games. So as stated, I asked him why. He said he wanted to take me out to dinner and wine. I don't drink either which he found completely astonishing. I really didn't answer him because I thought really he was joking. My friend was saying I should give him a chance. Therefore I've become more friendly towards with him. He likes to do the staring game, and he'll come over to were I work just to buy some small things. It's just very odd the whole thing.
So for the next 3 weeks I've been friendly towards him with saying hi when he comes over and whatnot. Then today, I was talking to my colleague about movie stars. I was saying I don't find a particular star (I said the name) all that handsome. As usual, the Cap guy suddenly appeared and wanted to know who I was talking about. I said who. Then the Cap guy says he's the same age as the movie star. Therefore he wanted me to tell him what I thought of him. Gosh, I thought. There were customers around. I didn't answer to which the customer had figured out. I said I reserve myself to comment to which everyone laughed. My friend said I should have said to the Cap guy what I thought of him, but to be honest, I was a little scared to. Sure, the Cap guy is interesting and not bad looking, but I'm not attracted to him. He knows I'm a nursing student also so my plate is quite full.
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I don't know. Maybe I'm being a bit gunshy since last year was disasterous for me regarding guys and therefore am being too careful. Or he's just playing games. He also likes to be the center of attention. Oh, he asked me about a month ago to go away with him. When I looked at him stunned, he said he doesn't bite. Of course, I figure he's just saying things to see what I'll do. Sometimes, I do think too much. It's just when I've jumped the gun before, I ended up with a broken heart. To make myself clear, I'm not leading him on either because I wouldn't want that to happen to me.
If any one cares to comment, that would be great. To be honest, I'm a little confused too. Sorry, for the long story. Thanks for reading.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1857 · Topics: 45
.......being in my Carpe Diam frame of mind (for today anyway!!), next time Mystical, when he's over sweet-talking and starin'.....I'd cheekily say...So, when you gonna wine me and dine me like you promised to Mister!!!??? ("Mister" always takes away the intensity of a situation or diffuses it if rejected!!!:-)!!!:-) and if asked, why not go out to dins-dins with the man??? He may become a good male say you are not attracted to him - fair enough:-) but what you got to lose in dins-dins??? If he comes on too strong, just say you are concentrating on your work at the moment and putting guy-stuffy on the back-burner!!! - it's not him personally:-)
Alana x