Sweetest little Cappy

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by CancerKitten on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 and has 9 replies.
I'm not really sure why I'm writing this but I know the sweetest little cappy. Cap women often drive me crazy and bore me quite a lot but this guy if very playful for a Cap.
Maybe it's his Sagi moon but we can be very playful and not too seriou, though he is when he needs to be.
I just wanted to voice this. Anyone else know Cappies like this?
Cappys have a very playful side smile
WTF?!?! its a guy, of course, he's more fun. simple science.
Tongue Tongue Tongue @ GB
I read somewhere that among the many ancient symbols of Capricorn was Pan, the God of merry-making. He was also super-horny and loved chasing nymphs in the forest.
Hmmm....'horny'...I guess that's where the 'Goat' part of Capricorns come in (horns, geddit?). They don't call 'em 'randy' goats for nothing smile
I actually think Caps true nature is much more carefree & fun-loving than their slave driver planet Saturn allows them to be. Here's something I posted before and I think it's quite relevant for CancerKitten's Cap:
"* Capricorn is an unsung hero, an undiscovered genius...and an unknown quantity. It is because Capricorn is such an unknown quantity that his heroism goes unsung and his genius undiscovered. Some people will blow their own trumpets from the highest hill even when those trumpets are battered and badly out of tune. Capricorn is rather the opposite. No matter how bright the light inside him shines, he will always find a bushel big enough to hide it under. Capricorn wants to be thought of as stable, steady and solid. He tries his best to do what the world expects of him, he wants to be a trooper - a loyal, reliable, down-to-earth kind of character. In the attempt to give this impression Capricorn strives to be modest, restrained and realistic.
He almost succeeds.
Through diligent effort Capricorn manages to persuade himself and the rest of the watching world that he is a known quantity. At best he will allow himself to be known for his talent in one particular area or for his courage with regard to one particular topic.
The trouble is, this man is a Capricorn and Capricorns, despite all that some astrologers say, are always unknown quantities.
Deep down inside Capricorn yearns to be wild and crazy, footloose and fancy-free. He wants to break the rules, question convention and court controversy. Only one thing stops him - a little voice in the back of his head that says "Excuse me, who do you think you are? That's not the kind of activity that Capricorn can get away with." If you want to be a true friend to Capricorn you must encourage him to ignore that voice. He will love you for it and he won't need much encouraging. Capricorn was born to be brilliant. He was destined to be daring. One day he will realize this and then...the world had better look out. "*

Beowulf that is a very nice cappy description.
This is where I wonder about the difference I see in Male and Female Caps.
I wonder if it's a societal thing. Like men are expeced to be tough and strong and not show emotions the way women do so for Capricorn males it's natural to be like that and they feel free to show a more emotional side now and then cause overall, as a male, they are assumed to be more practical, reliable and solid (which they mostly are.)
For the females however it is tough. If they want to be seen as stable, steady and solid they need to do twice as much as their male counterparts because women are stereotyped as being emotional and irrational. This can lead to them over doing it and becoming too controlling, emotionally cold and a wet blanket.
Then again maybe the difference is that the Capricorn guy I know is a week 2 capricorn and the female I know is week 1. There seems to be a lot of difference between them
BeoWulf is awesome smile
yeh, and obsessed with NinjasBig Grin