The Capricorn - Virgo Connection

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by MsAristocracy on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 and has 130 replies.
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All of the textbook stuff reads that Capricorns are the NUMBER ONE ideal match for Virgos. How have your relationships with Virgos been? Let's rate them and discuss them.
I don't meet many Capricorns (romantically) and I can't understand why we're not more drawn to each other if it's so destinedly on point. I'm all for being a part of the tried and true.
Any happy Capricorn/Virgo couples out here? Do tell. smile
Any happy Capricorn/Virgo couples out here? Do tell.
Okay, I attract ALOT of virgos, I kid you not, honestly, I do. I'm not sure why, but I do. My best/ most stable relationship with with a virgo guy, but that was along time ago. Other virgos I've connected with seem to know that we have a connection, but they are afraid of it.
Currently, there's yet another Virgo in my life ... well, he's not full virgo -- he's August 22. LOL, everywhere else he's listed as a leo but he's on the Leo/Virgo cusp, so he counts as a virgo too.
Now, as far as he goes ... hmmm, don't know yet smile He's an emotionally damaged man who needs to pull himself together a bit. Now, are there sparks between us? YES IN DEED, but we need to get to know each other more.
It's funny, I've wanted to get close to this guy for so long, now I'm scared!!! WTF??? He's really busy right now and so am I but we are earth signs, we put work before play smile
These are the factors that cause Capricorns and Virgos to become "Strangers in the Night", as freaky would put it.
1. Fear -- seriously, this is the number one cause at to why caps and virgos rarely get togehter. Capricorns (on the surface) show a cool temperment, haha let us tell it, no one can rock our boat. However, that's not true, once we REALLY start feeling for someone, it can hit us like a ton of bricks. Virgos do not like to be emotionally unarmed, and capricorns can do that to them if they let their gaurd done a bit -- that's all we need, is a little Winking Now, the Virgo (we is not good with intense emotions) backs away because they don't not want to be emotionally open. This is why Virgos will stick to any partner who can make them feel good sexually -- because sex only lasts for some long and that's it. Virgos can be their normal selvles afterwards.
2. Being too much alike -- the average Cap and virgo are quiet around the person they are interested in. This is bad becuase too quiet people will not talk to each other LOL, trust me, I learned this the hard way.
3. Different personas -- each has a way of presenting themselves to the world, but neither will dare present their real self because they are afriad of what the public may think. This is way virgos are drawn to direct and freakishly honest people because tend to hide themselves often. Capricorns filter what they say most of the time because they feel "You can catch more bees with honey than with vinager."
Hope I made sense.
*as Franky would put it* I meant to say LOL
Cappysweetie, I didn't know there were that many nails but you hit them all with your triple findings. smile
Amazing that you draw a lot of Virgos, I do not really draw Cappies except as friends or co-workers or associates through other people. Romantically, who knows what happens, probably the Strangers in the Night thing lol.
It sounds like you and your guy have a good thing going on. I love the newness, the intensity and passion building up behind getting the one you've wanted. I imagine that scary feeling is a nice scary (blushing, butterflies). Interesting that you say work before play, I thought work was play. Winking
I am on the Leo/Virgo cusp as well (8/25) and I acknowledge my fire. I am definitely extremely quiet when around the person I like as far as emotions and feelings initially. After I feel relaxed I get a little more bolder.
I definitely do fall for someone I am sexually rocked by. Winking It makes me feel like I don't need anything else because I have that person to share that outlet with. In my mind I am self-sufficient nad can handle all else. But not sex, so WOOHOO!!! You're right, afterwards it's back to the business of the world. I allot lovey-dovey time though. Its a part of that organized thing lol.
And lastly, I do care what others think of me to the point that sometimes I am a walking contradiction until I can let whoever this person is in on the real me and trust that they will like me either way. I attribute it to the service oriented nature of Virgo. I will be who you need me to be when I'm with you (best behavior, your style , all for you). Then after a while I will "try" you to see where that gets me. If I get a green light and you like it or even LOVE it, then I will reveal everything else. I don't mind bearing my soul to anyone as long as I know that it won't do damage or harm to either of us.

MsPisces, you're right, Taurus is the best for Cappies as far as earth and that's why I was sure to put that the Cappy/Virgo combo was "a good thing for Virgos" which is how I interpreted the textbook explanations of this match. Other than that, Cancer and Scorpio are the best matches for Capricorns.
Cappywench said: "The attention is nice but I could not cope with going out with one."
Ooh, please elaborate. smile
I'm exactly the way brandon described. Women don't seem to mind my arrogance, and I only bend to get what I want Winking
I'm a horrible self hating person, I should just be a suicidal bomber. Yup. All of us caps, we are horrible. I'll admit it.
Now shut the fuck up brahn.
I know a CAP dude and Virgo Woman Couple. They have been together for AGES, not married yet though, no engagement.
They stay in and most people wonder why they are still together, they seem to have a boring life. The virgo chic is always complimenting the cap guy, but he makes fun of her or doesn't reciprocate.
I don't get it.
I think most people think Virgos are boring and probably Cappies too but what's boring to some is not boring to others.
I don't know many Cappies to say this but I know enough Virgos to know that we love to party and have fun and let loose as much as anyone.
The thing though is that we are more of a sidekick than a show starter. We only take the lead when we're going solo but if we're in a group we do our own thing, on the side...
The textbooks say that Cappies and Virgo couples will appear boring to others. I don't know though... It's too people who enjoy being loners and homebodies for the most part. Virgos are tagalongs unless inspired and Cappies will do things if they have nothing else in the world to do I suppose or if it's something to be done with those they are really close with. Hmm... I am a little intrigued now.
MsPisces said: "Virgos wish they had the will power, determination and dedication that a Capricorn has."
We do, it's just not surrounding money, power, status, and material gain. Winking
MsPisces: "Virgos on here go out of their way to bash Caps, yet Caps never really do that to Virgos on here. Hmm..insecurity, perhaps?"
Insecurity does not make Virgos go out of their way to hurt someone else, so I seriously doubt that's behind a Virgo's "bash" on another anything.
Frustration with or disappointment with, loss of patience with, had it up to here with, that's it I'm done with... That's usually the feelings before a Virgo goes off.
MsPisces: "Virgos are usually content with mediocrity."
You can't possibly believe this? In your mind, you're sharing with us, your beliefs that there are no successful Virgos? Guffaw...
MsPisces: "lol So then what else would you need will power, determination and dedication for? Being the biggest nit picker??"
You're just toying with me now. smile
"Saturn gives them 2 options, or they drown themselves in depression, or they keep themselves busy pursuing an ultimate goal (which represents power and/or authority) that they think will free them from their innate inferiority-complex."
As much as I personally love seeing unqualified people using psychological terms on message boards in order to make others look worst in comparison to themselves, I must suggest that you quit it, as it's not very conductive to an argument.
"But anyway, Virgos may not have that particular struggle, but they def. have their own struggles with insecurities..."
"For all our insecurity, You won't find us on the Virgo board "comparing" like insecure nitwits ourselves to Virgos."
* * * * *
So many throw that word around like it's synonymous with Virgo.
What makes a Virgo insecure, because we worry? Analyze? Are hard on ourselves? We're hard on others? Strive for perfection?
Everyone throws the word around but no one goes deeper into defining it. Can someone please elaborate, I'm feeling insecure. Thanks. smile
cappywench said: "They want to take over your life and start making plans for you as soon as you go on the first date. They are also not very subtle about seduction and make that clear with sexual innuendo."
That's me in a nutshell. So, I guess I need to remember this when courting a Cappy.
"I think virgal and cappy guy works much better than the other way around. Virgals are usually naturally very pretty and that makes the controlling element quite enticing to men."
I'm not sure I can appreciate that. I don't want to be controlled and definitely not because of my looks, but I feel what you mean. I just need love from my man more than anything else.
sb, you wake up angry too? I thought that was just you needing a nap last evening. Guess not. Sad
sb said: "Um...look around. That word is thrown around at us too.
Do we care?
I think it's thrown at every sign. I can even compose a list per sign. I just wanted the details into a Virgo's insecurities through the eyes of the beholder.
"Because you are NOT hard on yourselves. Because you don't strive for perfection in yourself, you ask for it from others. You don't analyze, you critise. You don't worry, you ruminate and nag."
We are hard on ourselves once we make a mistake, not daily because we don't need that level of discipline. We strive for perfection in the projects/tasks/jobs/duties that we take on, it's not an all day thing, come on now. We analyze, stop it. I appear hard on others because I feel like an expert on The Wrong Path. I only try to encourage others to do it a different way than I have to save them the pain of mistake.
On the other hand, I do know some Virgos who don't push themselves enough IMO. But, I am looking with ny eyes not theirs. I am surrounded with Virgos and I see differences between myself and all of the rest of them. Coincidentally, I do think I am the better Virgo, but I have my crosses to bear as well. I'm not perfect yet.
sb: "Nor you."
I don't think anyone can truly accuse me of being angry on here. But, your feelings belong to you and I accept that.
sb: "But then (as a virgo,) I can understand (that this may be an alien concept.) Since the only reason you would ever counter someone is when you are angry, (which would be always as it seems.)"
Are you not countering? Per my parenthesis you've spoken with such negativity that would indicate anger. Find mine? smile
"Aren't we all....."
You're toying with me. smile
Damn, I think I'm falling for Branh. smile
shaka, as i said once i'm saying it again - you are the most pretentious and narcissistic virgo i have ever seen.
SG:I will IGNORE idiots that think that we spread hate. In my view, all I did on the board was pointed out and highlighted virgo weak points and you know, they do not do well when they are in fault.
Besides, every thing you just repeated for certain "some one" seems to be correct, I do not like charming ladies men that change behavior and do not keep words.
I would not lower my standards by arguing with people below my level. I will IGNORE THEM Winking.
shaka, as i said once i'm saying it again - you are the most pretentious and narcissistic virgo i have ever seen. anyone who does not kiss your arse you have a problem with. can't you tell caprigirlwithvirgo love her soon-to-be-virgo-hubby dearly? i bashed virgos? i loved a virgo so much that i still can't bear to hear his name. i simply shared why it didn't work out and how i viewed what the problems were. when i talked about virgo's shortcomings i often talked about what i did wrong in the same posts just so that others can avoid the same pitfalls. other times i was just joking like archer did once a while (so why don't you bash archer? of course not. cuz she likes you and praises you lots shaka. you simply cannot stand ppl who do not praise you). just look at you, whenever you bash other signs, you often attack with nasty and demeaning comments while highlighting how superior you are comparing to the ones you are bashing. the only purpose of your bashings was to boost your ego. just see how many nasty comments you made in the past years on dxp to scorpios, pisces, cancers, libras, aries, cappies, even other virgos and more. you have a nasty mean streak that you sometimes attack ppl for no reason out of nowhere just to have a laugh or satisfy your nic-picking urges. you only praise yourself and often pretend to be nice to female dxpers who you think may help to boost your ego.
SG: ABSOLUTELY correct judgement! I was wrong before, now noticing many things, just from the behaviors of others.
I attest to what you wrote.

I think that goes for all men though
May be! EXCEPT ONE, my Virgo. He is GREAT!
Ms Aristo*******
Looks like the thread is derailed from the original objective.
You may want to start a new thread with same title and strict instruction to maintain the context!
SG, seems no body mentioned, CAPS are arrogantly honest and can admit mistakes when needed!
Branh giving relationship advice is like Marilyn Manson giving spiritual advice.
Or maybe that's not the best analogy.
All I know is, you'd fair better getting insight from your cat.
Where are all the good examples about Virgo men and Cappy women Sad *cries*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nearly all Cardinal signs have problems admitting mistakes, especially Caps. If AND SO ON...
THANKS FOR POSTING DETAILS. Now do the following: Just replace Caps with Virgos and Virgos with Caps in THAT SAME POST!
That shall make it PERFECT. You see, there is no point arguing the same things again and again and again ... that VIRGOS NEVER ADMIT THIER ERRORS. Now admit that and just laugh about it. It is not your fault, it's that astrological sun sign problem of being a Virgo!! Nothing personal..
Caps will just adopt any business model of practice as long as it gurantees them success for the moment.
WRONG! You will be surprised to know the no.of work opportunities I have rejected and did let go because they fell short of my ideals and principles...
We can all argue this till the cows come home, but the simple fact is:
Capricorn isnt just the best Earth Sign, its the BEST SIGN PERIOD :-)
Deal With It
LOL, I guess if your not a positive person, you can't say anything positive. *shakes head at everyone in this discussion*
I thought this was going to be a nice thread about capricorns and virgos, but I was wrong ....
cappywench said: "I guess I meant that cappy men will put up with an attractive controlling virgo woman faster than capgals will put up with a controlling virgo man. I think an attractive bossy woman turns some guys on (unless the guys are virgos )."
Ooh, I misread that good. Interesting to know that about a Cap man, because most of the men I deal with don't seem to respond well to bossiness. Not that I am, but I guess if I am too involved in something that has to do with them more than us or me they tend to shut down and I get the msg that I've crossed too far over the line. But, I guess I can test that on a Cappy man one day. smile
caprigirlwithvirgo said: "Ms Aristo*******
Looks like the thread is derailed from the original objective.
You may want to start a new thread with same title and strict instruction to maintain the context!"

I don't know if anyone has the energy to start over. I took the night off and had a "me" night and came back to 3.5 pages more to read. That's never happened to one of my threads. smile
But, if it isn't too late. I would like to request that the bashing stop, I think we can highlight the positives of whatever sign without trying to tear down another one. Otherwise I will strike-out the thread. Thanks! smile
"lol total nonsense. A virgo goes quiet or changes the subject when he is wrong, he never admits it."
I oppose this statement, that's more of a fire/water sign. I'd check the chart of that individual.
I'm with you all the way. I mean, why all the bashing ??? I mean, I've had bad experience with cancer men, but I don't bash them left and right LOL. Yes, I've made bad comments about them but I no that all are not like that.
Same goes for virgo men, even if things with this guy doesn't work out, he won't be the definition of all virgo men.
LOL, there's one danger in all this -- you ask people their opinions and they give them. Apparantly, that's all they have to give, is ALLLLLLL negative stuff. It's really sad.
Hey, it couldn've been worse, so idiot couldn've came and TOTALLY change the topic, and like lambs, everyone would've went along with it LOL!!!!!!
"He pretended that he had not read an email telling him I could not meet that evening until the afternoon and tried to make me feel guilty by saying that he would not have rushed back home had he known."
Yeah, I've told a lie on this level before. One in particular is "Did you get my voicemail?". At times I won't answer my cell, but I will go right to listening to the voicemail. Depending on what the subject is (favors in particular) I'll say no just to hear the request in real time as to get more details since the person is on stage in front of the microphone. However, I would not try to blame someone for my loss of something knowingly they did not cause it.
Oh come, stop the bullshit Brandon, you were doing it too. Don't even
As a matter of fact, one of the first negative post was yours concerning capricorns, so stop the bullshit *points the finger*
If we stop the "shit" maybe we can finally get to the bottom of why Virgos and Capricorns have problems with communication. I mean, it's just an idea smile
And all that argue is for the birds, I'm sure people can have a conversation with acting stupid *that slipped out*
YEAH!!!!!!!!! SB was involved in it too!!!!!!
Damn gemini moons LOL!!!!!!!! You all just can't think without it being an arguement.
I have a meeting, byes Winking
um...I am not drawn to virgos romantically but they make great friends
"Where are all the good examples about Virgo men and Cappy women *cries*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Sometimes you have to take what you can get, especially when it's reality. I've not read anything that I feel less motivated by.
The one thing I did want to point out is that Virgos are faithful when all of our needs are being met. Unfortunately, I think we will leave a marriage for something better when we've sucked our spouse dry trying to get things back on track. Some spouses are really brutal and stubborn and forget that marriage is 50/50 and compromise is a big part of it. Why lose out on someone who wants to love you and is showing you they can fill your needs for someone who keeps denying and opposing you. So, with that said, pending your married Virgo has nothing keeping him tied to his marriage at the time he would probably leave her for you if he could trust that you were there waiting for him 100% . And, no, children are not a reason to stay with a spouse. A sickly/dying spouse is reason.
cappysweetie said: "LOL, there's one danger in all this -- you ask people their opinions and they give them. Apparantly, that's all they have to give, is ALLLLLLL negative stuff. It's really sad."
I think it's safe to say that if a person does not have mad love for a particular sign or was seriously burned by a sign (no matter the relation) the response is not going to be too sweet.
I've fallen out with enough signs to have negative things to say. But,I try to look at it either as the nature of the sign or the behavior of that person.
Basically what friendship means is "you're not attractive enough for me to give you the time of day, but if I need to take advantage of you, that'll be great"
That's not true Brandon smile Just because I'm friends with a guy doesn't mean I'm not attracted to him.
Okay, Buddy (points at Brandon)
Instead of all the bad stuff *rolls eyes at everybody*
Why not state whats needed for a capricorn woman and a virgo man to make things work? Mentally, Physically, Emotionally (I know that's a toughie but whatever LOL)
Give it a shot Winking
How can they bridge the gap?
You never answered my PM by the way *pissed*
Well, once Brandon created a thread dedicated to how much he liked capricorn women. I don't know why he's chnaged all of a sudden.
I must say that no one else should throw daggers at the other and vice versa. I read a few of the pages and it didn't really mean anything LOL, well concerning the ACTUAL QUESTION.
That's just terrible ...