The Devil

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by lisabethur8 on Sunday, November 1, 2015 and has 91 replies.
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why is Capricorn the sign, represent the Devil??

this gal kind of describes it well:

oh here is a better art on the throne.

Posted by Blood ft. Water
I am the Devil

i believe it.

anyway, it also explains why folks in astrology say capricorn is DARK.
Posted by Soul

gemini moon. lol

Posted by Koniucha
Posted by Blood ft. Water
I am the Devil

You wish
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the illusion is better.
Posted by busyeyes88
Sags and cap share equally for this title imho.

sag and cap in the same chart, yeah i can see it.

but not sag sun general characteristics. Sagittarius is a very bright and happy sign.
oh of course, that's your opinion, but sag is known for optimism and brightness.
I have sag rising so I'm a bit retarded and I think it shows when I post anonymously lol. I don't have much patience for pessimism. being sensible is good. being pessimistic gets on my nerves real quick. every time I hear capricorns are pessimistic I'm like okay now you pessimistic ass is so smart lol

yep. too smart to tell the difference lol
Posted by Blood ft. Water
This world is about de-humanization, "optism" and "brightness" have no place here. (Unless of course of you are retarded)

It is, and they don't ... you're right.

For now, anyway... they exist here, I imagine, because

like all conditions, it's temporary.

Posted by lisabethur8
oh here is a better art on the throne.

I like this.. am i weird? LOL
your Scorpio rising, Justagirl? maybe?
Posted by lisabethur8
your Scorpio rising, Justagirl? maybe?

Yes i am smile
User Submitted Image
Posted by RainDancer
Posted by tiziani
Lol yeah @Raindancer I was just reading the opening to Seduction today. I finished Siren but put it down after that


I laughed out loud reading that book.

That's when I can to the conclusion that manipulation was a negative karmic impact.

No matter what I do, how I behave, who I try to save, it all ends up hurting them.

That book is accurate in s many ways. When you get further, I'll tell you which one I am.
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i was curioius, and then i remembered that robert greene is that writer .....

so which one are you??

this? according to him --- the star is the most powerful of all:

it sounds weird by it's a ploy to get his books of course. lol

you shouldn't have to get your man or woman through this, but let it be NATURAL...


they probably have "THE NATURAL" by robert greene too. -_-


he really looked into this alot.

saw on astrotheme, he's taurus sun/leo moon but cancer, Scorpio dominant.

Né le : 14 mai 1959 à 12h00 (inconnue)
à : Los Angeles (CA) (États-Unis)
Soleil : 23°14' Taureau
Lune : 10°42' Lion
Dominantes : Taureau, Cancer, Scorpion
Saturne, Vénus, Neptune
Terre, Eau / Fixe

he's water dominant too, earth dominant, so yeah naturally -- he sees through it ALL.

just scanned through some of robert greene's excerpts on

there is 48 mastery of power or something like that.

i got bored reading through a couple.

Truthfully, what anyone should read is the bible. lol
but it's hard to learn as an adult, because one needs a good interpretator.

that is more powerful than any robert greene or mastery book. but it's still a good stepping stone for folks to learn about the world.

there is a man there lying beside her throne.

she just sucked the soul of out him that's all.Laughing
Posted by tiziani
Mastery is nothing like 48 Laws of Power.

When he did 48 Laws he was just happy to make it. His first ever book. Going through the motions.

Mastery is like a life's work. It dodges the idea that everyone has to be happy and positive to make it. He goes through interviews with successful people who naturally have to see the glass half empty to make their day work for them.

I actually thought "Interviews with Masters" (which is completely free to download off Amazon as he just uses it to hook people into buying the main book) was better than the book itself. It's just transcripts of the interviews he did to put the book together. He interviewed legit unique people.

sounds like my kind of man. lol

my husband is pessimistic at times. no ....not at times. ALOT.

he sees the darkness alot more than light.

Posted by GreyWiz
Posted by lisabethur8
oh here is a better art on the throne.

why do you think she has no man?
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Because he's dead on the floor behind her.

Posted by lisabethur8
why is Capricorn the sign, represent the Devil??

this gal kind of describes it well:

Satan was literally allllllll Aquarius, sadly. I think Cap competes for the satanic title but guess we'll never REALLY have what it takes Sad
Posted by Vanish
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by GreyWiz
Posted by lisabethur8
oh here is a better art on the throne.

why do you think she has no man?

Because he's dead on the floor behind her.

because he didn't respond to her PMs. Inconsistent people get their souls eaten out of their bodies by the devil. Hell is living inside the Capricorn where the soul is forced to eternally work to fuel the most vengeful acts in existence.
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so true. lol

it was the audacity that he even attempted.
Posted by scorpionmoon
Posted by lisabethur8
why is Capricorn the sign, represent the Devil??

this gal kind of describes it well:

Satan was literally allllllll Aquarius, sadly. I think Cap competes for the satanic title but guess we'll never REALLY have what it takes Sad
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yeah i read on astrotheme, that the ANTI christ is all aquarius, 6 planet stelium i think. all in the 12th house. and he's neptune and MOON dominant.

it makes me think that astrologers dont understand moon and neptune energy very well. They get alot right, but not quite.

plus i know that cancers/cancer dominant are Always misunderstood, as a sign itself, so being moon dominant peeps they are, astrologers perhaps just dont get it. They focus alot on saturn and pluto though.
oh never mind, he IS moon dominant but not neptune dominant, although his houses are focused on 12, 7, and 9th.

: February 5, 1962, 7:07 AM
In: Tel El Amarna (Egypt)
Sun: 15°55' Aquarius AS: 22°47' Aquarius
Moon: 18°49' Aquarius MC: 4°35' Sagittarius
Dominants: Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius
Jupiter, Venus, Moon
Houses 12, 7, 9 / Air, Fire / Fixed

so venus dominant is evil? so is Jupiter? and moon.

did they take this from Hitler who is 7th house dominant? lol
and of course..... Big Grin Big Grin

Oh, great! Capricorns have finally their own music thread! Big Grin
Posted by laFille
Oh, great! Capricorns have finally their own music thread! Big Grin

lol Laughing

omg i LOVE this Guy's music; he's neptune dominant, and a Cap sun. lol

Rick Ross is pretty good too.

Posted by lisabethur8

this guy is more scorpionic than that gemini guy with Scorpio moon (the guy who plays captain America).

if you listen to his lyrics. lol it's very Scorpio.

guy is Scorpio moon/Uranus Scorpio/lilith with 8th even though he is a Gemini sun/Jupiter.
Posted by lisabethur8
oh here is a better art on the throne.

damn. Big Grin
We are the devil because we live in reality. And this reality is hell.

As a teenager and even now I would often find myself thinking dark thought like " Why would God create a world with so much suffering" "Nothing about this world makes any sense" "Why are people so irrational or stupid".

We are the devil because we have control of ourselves in this world, where everyone is still living in bondage over their material possessions and ego needs, unaware of how it slaves them.

As cappies we enjoy our material possessions and our sexuality and take at whatever cost, often without remorse or guilt.

A bad apple Capricorn is someone to be feared.
The most hated political figure in my whole life mao zedong, the prime culprit for destroying beautiful Chinese culture is a capricorn. Through him i am certain that Cap are capable of very evil stuff if they do not hold the correct moral value. You guys have exceptional capability & perseverance but should use it for the good.

Posted by Chance_11
The Devil doesn't have a large role in the Bible. He has only minor roles, such as parts selling fruit (humble enough occupation), bugging Job, and tempting Jesus.

The Devil, then called Lucifer, was born with bat style wings, rather than the normal dove like ones most angels sport. Despite this huge defect, which made him the object of derision and discrimination, he persevered; through sheer hard work and natural talent. He climbed to the highest court there was, only to come to the shocking realization that god believed that a lifetime of sinning deserved an eternity of punishment. He then rebelled against god, was eventually exiled, along with the angels who supported him (1/3 of heaven's population). Little known fact is that he is one of the only characters in the bible to stand up to god and live.

He was sick of being a working stiff. He had to run an army of millions of angels, with no overtime, no health benefits, and was really pissed that god hadn't even invented bars to drink in yet. He rebelled against god when he realized that God was a floating logical fallacy. He could just have easily been sent to New Jersey instead *shrugs*

Sounds a little Cap-ish Winking

poor Job.

that's the most profound chapter. (that and King David...omg, that King David, horny for another man's woman) tsk tsk. bad bad King. (sounds like alot of Mafia boss guys) With Job: He took away, (12th house loss) and gave back, after showing how good and moral and basically his love persevered. God is one hell of a JEALOUS god.

temptation, if you can withstand the sexiest hottest chick and not fall for her femme fatale ways, is a goldmine type of guy.

also, dont fall for greed and be super greedy that you forget your loved ones, ect yeah all the basic human stuff that are virtues.
i freaking love the bible. so many good profound stories.
Just like it's planet and season. It's the illusion or lie covering up the reality of what all life is really about. Just like the beautiful rings of Saturn, which happen to be the frozen rubble of all the things it conquered. Wearing it like a piece of jewelry. Or how snow covers up the ravaged corpse of a decayed season. Taking it's own wrong doing but making it look beautiful with the creativity from the heavens, which would defy God more then anything.

I am not sure about the suns.

I read to never trust a Capricorn moon on a bunch of different websites tho.

I think Hitler also had that placement as well as a bunch of other aids people. Meh.

The anti-Christ apparently is an Aqua with an Aqua moon.

Apparently Saturn people just really suck, and have some really messed up perspectives.
lmao@ the conversation going.Laughing

Posted by Skitty
I am not sure about the suns.

I read to never trust a Capricorn moon on a bunch of different websites tho.

I think Hitler also had that placement as well as a bunch of other aids people. Meh.

The anti-Christ apparently is an Aqua with an Aqua moon.

Apparently Saturn people just really suck, and have some really messed up perspectives.

the anti christ doesn't even have capricorn, and despite being co saturn ruled, he is supposedly moon and venus 7th house dominant, not saturn.

noooowwww, Jesus Christ, is Saturn dominant with capricorn rising. he's even a house 10. sooooooo.......
Born: February 28, -6 (7 BC), 3:34 AM (Julian cal.)
In: Bethléem (Israel)
Sun: 7°17' Pisces AS: 12°16' Capricorn
Moon: 24°57' Aquarius MC: 0°49' Scorpio
Dominants: Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius
Neptune, Saturn, Pluto
Houses 2, 8, 10 / Water, Earth / Mutable
Well if it makes you feel better that's inaccurate- I checked also when i was searching the anti Christ :p

There isn't an accurate birth date for Jesus's birthday- The only thing that's been confirmed that it was some time in Fall
Posted by Chance_11
The Devil doesn't have a large role in the Bible. He has only minor roles, such as parts selling fruit (humble enough occupation), bugging Job, and tempting Jesus.

The Devil, then called Lucifer, was born with bat style wings, rather than the normal dove like ones most angels sport. Despite this huge defect, which made him the object of derision and discrimination, he persevered; through sheer hard work and natural talent. He climbed to the highest court there was, only to come to the shocking realization that god believed that a lifetime of sinning deserved an eternity of punishment. He then rebelled against god, was eventually exiled, along with the angels who supported him (1/3 of heaven's population). Little known fact is that he is one of the only characters in the bible to stand up to god and live.

He was sick of being a working stiff. He had to run an army of millions of angels, with no overtime, no health benefits, and was really pissed that god hadn't even invented bars to drink in yet. He rebelled against god when he realized that God was a floating logical fallacy. He could just have easily been sent to New Jersey instead *shrugs*

Sounds a little Cap-ish Winking

Maybe in the Broadway version... as for the biblical account,

it looks nothing like that.

Dead man, walking.
