I have lots of Cap in my chart. Love it cuz it gives me balance and structure but hate it cuz it makes me negative and cynical.
Any suggestions how to survive life as?
Sun Sagittarius 27??11'04 in house 2 direct
Moon Cancer 10??54'22 in house 9 direct
Mercury Capricorn 0??06'14 end of house 2 direct
Venus Scorpio 13??17'57 in house 1 direct
Mars Virgo 1??23'14 in house 10 direct
Jupiter Sagittarius 2??07'04 in house 2 direct
Saturn Pisces 7??02'36 in house 4 direct
Uranus Capricorn 24??45'52 in house 3 direct
Neptune Capricorn 22??06'31 in house 3 direct
Pluto Scorpio 29??05'12 in house 2 direct
True Node Scorpio 14??04'49 in house 1 retrograde
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Sep 26, 2012Comments: 1648 · Posts: 8572 · Topics: 67
Haha, you posted it before I think and I was all -Woah that's Capricorn with a capital C lol
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Oct 21, 2014Comments: 4 · Posts: 717 · Topics: 76
I got my Moon, Ascendant, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus all in Capricorn but I feel its still isn't enough wish my mercury and sun was also in Capricorn lol. I don't feel any negativity in it we are cynical but that's not a bad thing at all it give us great insights when analyzing people's behavior.
Lol I'm so pessimistic and critical it's pitiful. I have sun mercury saturn Uranus neptune all in cap all conjunct. I just embrace it as hard at is.
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Feb 08, 2015Comments: 88 · Posts: 2780 · Topics: 55
I have my moon, venus rx, mercury, neptune, saturn and uranus in cap. I overthink a lot and I have a hard time really opening up... need to work on that.
Aw shi*....I really shouldn't post when REKT, haha!
Thanks to all who responded. I guess it's easy to look for an astro scapegoat when feeling like sh**. But if some of you guys with 4+ Cap planets are doing fine, then i guess the problem might just be me. Maybe I'll start blaming all the water in my chart next, haha! j/k