what are your fears?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by CreepyPants on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 and has 10 replies.
i'm afraid of:
spiders. i have an impulse to kill them when i see them, but i dont like doing it.
dying young
swimming in large bodies of water. i can and do and i even enjoy it, but when i start thinking about not knowing whats under and around me... i sometimes easily freak out.
cap... i second your last fear. my family is fortunate enough to all be in great health, but i know that wont always be the case... and i've never had to deal with that. so yes, it scares me too.
sb, what are your last two???
Painful death.
un-escapeable debt.
Not being able to accomplish my aspirations.
Homelessness (though I'm not too worried about it or the above right now).
is there any other kind of debt? Tongue
debt? meh... i dislike it greatly, but its not a fear.
for sure! as a student though... some debt was inevitable for me. ah well. c'est la vie
I fear insanity -- I like having control of my own mind too much ...
I have fear of bad health for those who are close to me ...
I have fear of makiing poor decisions dealing with money ...
Thats all I can think of at the moment
I am fearless!!! ... I think ...