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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
I am a scorp-sag cusp male. I met this beautiful cap female in the fall semester of college. wasn't all that interested first at hand because I never saw her like that so as a couple months went by I saw her walking in the cafeteria going to class and for some reason my eyes lit up when she saw me she smiled real hard. I told her to come here and I asked how come you didn't text me when I left you my number just give me yours now lol. so she laughed. I got the number slowly but shortly pursued her. she came out to lunch with me we connected instantly I started touching her a little to break the nice no resistance on her part she didn't stay long. kiss she turned away laughed and started walking then I said your not leaving without kissing me so she kissed me on the cheek. then she disappeared then I bumped into her on the bus on my way to class just so weird that I bump into her everywhere! so we conversed for a little. I started to text her a little more I don't know if it was enough but slowly but shortly she started opening up to me started doing things for me bringing me food taking me home and all these things without me even having to asks she would stop by where I worked to ask if I was hungry or needed a ride home at times. she was very touchy with me. I know everything about this girl with her mom passing away when she was 12 and mine when I was a 11 so I know what this girl is feeling we act the same way so one of us had to get out our comfort zone to make a difference so I did. I started being spontaneous I got her a card on mothers day in memories of her lost. she loved it couldn't stop smiling blushing like crazy then she gave me my first "intimate" hug. we made each other laugh all the time when we were around each other. so one night I proposed an outing to her saying " helicopter tour around the big apple with limousine service to an " im with my sisters" she text me later saying that it "does sound fun though"I got the message through that response she basically said no . the next day I got off worked really late usually I go straight to bed but she works at the bar up the street from where I stay. I knew something was up I got dressed went to her job she left early. I text her telling her I stopped by. only late at night to receive a message from her saying I want us to remain as friends she hopes I understand. I asked is it me or you? she says " im caught up on my ex I cant look at people how I look at him" ??help
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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
She`s being honest, all you can do now is let her be, but still remain a friend at a far distance until she snaps out of it...Back off a bit on the chasing, its freaking her out to much at this time.
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
So is no contact good or is some good?
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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
Some contact it alright, but don`t over do it, she will get the impression that you are still coming on strong and she might just go pooffff and disappear for a bit or for good depending on how much you push yourseld on her, disappearing for a bit isn`t a bad thing considering she still needs time to move on..
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
ok because I haven't talked to her in 2 weeks and I miss her but im strong enough to let things be just don't want a good one to slip but I need answers