I've been thinking about this because I really think we get a bad press - supposedly too serious, boring, miserly and uptight. I hate the way earth signs are made to sound boring.
So I'm trying to work out what aspects of my personality are part of my Cappy-ness and have come up with the following. Would like to know if others agree.
1. I'm very decisive. I know what I want and I like to make decisions without consulting 15 people. I am driven ever so slightly mad by people who don't know their own minds. Also my idea of hell is milling about in a street with people who can't decide where to eat lunch as they're all too polite to say what they want. Your whole life is not a democracy where everyone else has to help decide everything all the time. I also prefer shopping alone.
2. I like to know the rules. I might not keep them, but I care about knowing what they are. To me there's a difference between knowing the rules and carefully deciding whether to keep them, and just not giving a hoot about what they are.
3. I like traditions. I'm 'traditional' in terms of doing certain things on Christmas, celebrating anniversaries, Valentine's cards and such, rather than 'traditional' as in 'allergic to anything progressive'.
4. I can't stand people who have no work ethic and expect others to pick up their slack.
5. I am actually really caring and empathetic but sometimes I default to giving very practical cold advice. When you tell me you didn't get an item you ordered and I tell you to call your bank for a Visa chargeback it's because I really care about how you feel.
6. The number one way to irritate me is to listen to me telling you something and then say: "You might be right." I will know whether I am right. I will have checked.
7. The number one way to upset me is to tease me in front of other people. I can laugh at myself but only if I'm the one cracking the joke.
8. I don't do hints, passive aggression or thinking people should just know something without being told. I also don't engage with this behaviour from other people. Just no.
9. I never forget a birthday and I get really thoughtful, personal presents.
10. I will argue with you if you want me to but I don't care if you agree with me or not. It's inconsequential to me if you don't agree with my opinions. I don't need to win the conversation. I'll just silently judge you for being wrong.
11. I have a lot of plans and goals. I'm always aiming for something and I like to plan and prepare. I'm not the type to say: "Let's just see," or "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."
12. Even when I was rebelling as a teenager I never wanted to get into trouble eg with teachers. I dyed my hair, smoked, stayed out late etc but did all my homework and behaved well in class.
Et tu, fellow Caps?
Had all those notifications and thought people replied to the conversation. But... Now I'm confused. Was I not meant to post about Cappy stuff here??