Why am I doing this?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Sag89 on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 and has 14 replies.
So I met this cap a while back. We hung out had a pretty good night ( ending up having sex ) but it was REALLY bad. He's got a ( venus in aqua, moon sag, mars taurus )

Like he just left and we texted everyday for a while after that but there was like " no chemistry " didn't go anywhere. He never brought up sex or said anything flirty. It's like we pretend it didn't happen.

We are trying to make plans to go see a movie tomorrow night. Do cap men usually hide their sexual feelings? Or is this platonic?

I'm seeing a leo (exclusively ) so nothing physical can happen for me and him at the moment but I guess I'm sort of emotional interested a bit? I don't know..

bad idea?
That's cheating where I come from.
Yeah -- bad I'd say.
It's physically exclusive not emotionally. I said I won't do anything physically with him.
Posted by Impulsv
I can imagine asking a sag. Ok u say we are exclusive do u mean only physically or emotionally or just dating exclusively.
Leo are fixed too. Are u sure he understand what u meant?
I'd assume we are dating , sexing exclusively.

The leo is great and I like him a lot but he is sort of shallow. He says he wants to be my boyfriend but he doesn't seem emotional enough for me. Than I feel deprived and lonely.

I just want someone to baby me and make me feel cared about. My ex scorpio w scorpio moon is the only one who made me feel cared about. I'm just yearning for that again.
He actually texted me last night and we were talking about robin williams. We haven't talked in forever and I couldn't stop smiling the whole time. Just the smallest text from him made me feel warm and cozy.
I love that moon so much.
Posted by Impulsv
Can u work things out with scorp. Ur trying to fill voids with these guys.

Sadly no.
Posted by Sag89
I love that moon so much.

Big Grin @ loving scorpio moon. Hope you find another one.
Posted by Sag89
Posted by Impulsv
Can u work things out with scorp. Ur trying to fill voids with these guys.

Sadly no.
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Why? Just curious. It sounds like it's the one that got away kind of thing with this scorp guy.
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by Sag89
Posted by Impulsv
Can u work things out with scorp. Ur trying to fill voids with these guys.

Sadly no.

Why? Just curious. It sounds like it's the one that got away kind of thing with this scorp guy.
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Yea somewhat. But I don't think we'd work out ever. I mean we didn't the first 2 times lol
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by Sag89
I love that moon so much.

Big Grin @ loving scorpio moon. Hope you find another one.
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Me too
Posted by Sag89
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by Sag89
Posted by Impulsv
Can u work things out with scorp. Ur trying to fill voids with these guys.

Sadly no.

Why? Just curious. It sounds like it's the one that got away kind of thing with this scorp guy.

Yea somewhat. But I don't think we'd work out ever. I mean we didn't the first 2 times lol
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Posted by cheekyfaerie
Why bother being exclusive with the Leo? Why not just date around?
If I were you, I'd really want a mulligan on the Cappy. Would be curious to see if the sex might be better the second time around.

Lol cause the leo is great I like him and most of the time I feel fine with just that. But idk every now and than. Haha I'm not really attracted to the cap that sexually.

You're just keeping the Leo guy around as a backdoor until you find someone else who "meets your standards" or "fulfills you emotionally" or "babys you".
I pity him.