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Jul 23, 2013Comments: 546 · Posts: 6870 · Topics: 474
Seriously? I don't have a problem with it. But I get a bit irked every time people keep asking about their relationship issues with Cap men. Cap men are Cap men, either you take or leave em. I know it maybe hard to deal with them sometimes. But if you truly have relationship issues with them, then go to freaking yahoo answers, a relationship website, or a freaking relationship expert. Not all Caps are the same and that applies to every sign. This is not a plea, it's simple question of- Why do I see Capricorn men being mentioned in relationship issues more than other signs?
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Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
Women get pretty quick answers here, and varied ones.
Sometimes your aloofness is hard to understand, hence the many questions
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Dec 17, 2013Comments: 372 · Posts: 6468 · Topics: 165
I find the queries to be a bit cyclical. We just came out of Capricorn season, hence the influx of Cap related questions.
Just wait for the fall. There'll be a shit ton of Virgo and Scorpio man threads.
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Dec 07, 2011Comments: 33 · Posts: 13769 · Topics: 154
Do Capricorn men have feelings?
Do Capricorn men return calls?
Do Capricorn men pee after sex?
Do Capricorn men bleed?
aqua, scorpios, pretty much questions about astrology are asked by women. Mostly because women are often the ones who feel pressure to do the adjusting and the ones into astrology.
Look at all the ad and youtube video: "how to keep him?"; "what do men want?" etc...
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Nov 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 4517 · Topics: 108
I frequently masterbate to this cap guy I know.
Fantasies are great.
Why do people keep asking about Capricorn men?
Because they can rub two pennies together, and make a dollar.
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Aug 28, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 520 · Topics: 59
What I don't understand about Cap men in my life is their capability of turning me on more than anyone else and then somehow managing to kill all of that passion despite warnings. And then crying, kind of, to get me back.
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Aug 28, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 520 · Topics: 59
When it comes to handling women they are like kids.