So this girl I work with( leo) and I are barely getting to know each other, but she is also very I guess "friendly" with one of the other guys there and earlier today she was wearing a belt that was a little too big for her and she asked him to make an ex
Disclaimer: Sorry if this post will be a bit of a long read.
Quick background: I'm a Cancer and my boyfriend is a Libra. We've known each for years and had a thing before (online) but have only been together this year. We have been a couple since Febru
I'd like to understand what this Aries man is doing. Or what he needs.
We talk daily and things have been positive. We planned on going on a date soon. We live in different states at the moment. He said when he has money and time, we will meet.
I'm a Capricorn female who has been dating an Aquarius man. The connection and mutual respect was strong, it was intense with a lot of love. I ended it because he was going back to school for his masters and was worried he would be too busy for me. I've d
i have written two or one thread about Leo man before.
I came back to Poland from Spain one week ago. While abroad he helped me organising some stuff for my master degree thesis, he sent me some documents and so one. I know he likes me.
But i t
Why does it take so long for us aquas to get over certain relationships?
i hate feeling like the other person already moved on and im still thinking about them like an idiot..
Do you like:
Fast or Slow texters?
Double texters or put everything in one texters
Are you a fast texter or slow texter?
I suppose clingy texter or distant texter.
Put sun and mercury
I could make fun of myself but maybe it's to hide how big my ego really is. I notice I got admirers for this , I'm guessing it shows good sense of humor?
I'm in desperate need for some answers because I have completely lost my capricorn!
I met him about 5 years ago, and we have always been interested in each other..just could never "officially" take it to the next level because we live too far apart fro