I have been dating a cap guy for 8 months. The first few months was great we spent 3 to 4 evenings together, both really getting on great. The L words came from both of us after 3 months.
Then things went funny after 5 months we had a small tiff him being jealous and not being able to trust me. (I started working a pub) He disappeared for about 6 weeks, ignored my calls and texts. Gone. I was sooo hurt. Anyway eventually he responds, he hasn't been with anyone else like I had convinced myself he had just thought we need a break.
So it's back on but things have changed, we still get on fantastically well, chemistry is good etc but we see less of each other 2 times a week and if I am lucky 3 times. So its become very casual over the last few months. He started says he is afraid of commitment. He is not working and does not have much money.
The last month has been really hard we have seen very little of each other. But when we have been together it has been so good.
Anyway I bumped into my ex and we had a few drinks etc I slept with him. I told my cap guy straight away (the next day). The worst thing is it made me realise how much I am in love with my cap guy, how much we have got and it was such a BIG mistake, I did not enjoy it at all. I dont want to lose him. He appreciated my honesty, is angry with me and asked me to give him some space. The last few weeks we have only text a couple of times.
Please give me your views on what to do, so I dont lose my cap guy.