Posted by hippiecriteAm ashamed to say but i’ve known him for almost 2 yrs now. He ghosted me once 4 months into us “dating” then i asked for space this past november. When i asked for space i admited i had feelings for him. And yet here we are again. I’m scared he is using me.
Earth signs move at their own pace. How long have you been together in total?
Posted by sweetpea2977I think i’ve surpass the record for most patient crab ever. I’ve never ask what are we, where is this going,... to late for guard thee heart.
The last thing you want to do is persuade or manipulate him to "move forward". Wrong move. In my opinion, you should appreciate his honesty. There are too many women being strung along by men (and vice-versa) who really aren't emotionally ready for a healthy, naturally-flowing relationship. Relax, but do guard your heart. Talk but don't draw any conclusions. Friendship and patience can create a strong foundation for more to potentially come.
Posted by RevengeShould i not be so available? I thought caps love stability and routine. When i cant meet his schedule, he gets jelous or finds a way for me to change my plans. I’m not sure if his jelousy is because he cares or because hes a possesive asshole.
no idea
Posted by pisceanlovesIf you think you're being used, then you more than likely YOU ARE. Let your intuition do its job and then honor it.
No changes since November?? Shady af
I think he's using you yes. Who brings up past when it comes to moving forward with the one you have feelings for. My ex used the same s**t. "I've been hurt badly in the past, you just want to hurt me" blah
bunch of bs
Posted by HippeeGem*liked
If I were you I would possibly walk away given what you’ve shared. I don’t know the whole story. They do use people sometimes. My ex also flat out told me he was using his ex for rides when it bothered me once enough to bring it up. It caused a huge fight and he thought I was acting jealous. I just couldn’t comprehend why he needed to get a ride from his ex fiancé and mother of his son rather than figure something else out. If it was me that’d be the last thing I’d do.
But I can tell you I was with this Cap who I felt like, this was it for me. I really loved him The chemistry, connection, the friendship, everything. It felt like we had all the major things needed for a relationship to work checked off and I though we would end up living together and be together for the rest of our lives.
But. He would bring up his ex from time to time. I even met her a few times, we all got along, and that feeling that he wasn’t really over her started to grow stronger in my head
That was based on little things he said once in a while and noticing other things. Like he’d look at her longingly out of nowhere and I’d feel like what the hell? Most of the time they were cordial and acted like distant friends. Then when we got together she started showing up at more places and really went all out making herself look good to get his attention. And it worked. So I felt like it was kind of bullshit. We had some amazing moments and times together, but he had no plan of staying with me long term. I sometimes started thinking he used me to make her jealous.
I didn’t get it. I thought we’d move past it since I was the only serious relationship he had since her, but we didn’t.
I purposely sabotaged the relationship in the end because I think I knew deep down, he was still holding a torch for her and I was giving everything to our relationship, and he wasn’t. He did in the first two years, the last was completely different.
Caps are very stuck in there ways and need a partner to adapt to there ways ime. They love when you can surprise them a little bit on occasion, but for the most part, they know exactly what they want. And if they want to be with you, they will tell you. If they don’t, they’ll be honest about that too. And if you stay with them regardless, they might just stay with you too. But in the long run, you may not feel fulfilled.
Go with your gut feeling about your relationship and good luck. You most likely know already how he really feels. And don’t sacrifice what you need to make someone else happy. It needs to be mutual.