Young Capricorn stellium guy in love

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by LeoCancer98 on Saturday, April 11, 2015 and has 2 replies.
March 6th, on Friday night, I received two calls from a "No Caller ID" number. I didn't pick up the first time because I thought a random old creepy guy was calling me. 5 minutes later, my phone rang again .. I answered and turns out it was a guy from school calling to see how I'm doing!
He wouldn't tell me where he got my number (I changed it February 13th) and his excuse for having it was that "he just has everyones number" .. It was cute, I didn't make a big deal out of it lol. Our convo was short, simple and not as awkward as it could've been haha.
I know his birthday (Dec 7th)because my best friend liked him last year. I wanna keep it lowkey, so I haven't told her that he called me. I'm surprised he made the first move with his Pisces Moon ..
Anyway, based on your experiences, how would a Sagittarius guy with Venus, Mars, Mercury & Neptune in Capricorn show interest in a girl that he likes?
I'm a Rising Cancer and a Leo Sun with a Sagittarius Moon. I have a Leo Mercury and my Venus & Mars are in Cancer as well.
Thanks for your help smile
Very catious and and slow but steady. Don't expect things to flow so fast with his feelings but then again he's a sag so idk. But his stellium in cap is opposite your Venus and mars so there will be times of differences. But overall should b good since his sun is sag and your moon sag.