your favorite physical feature

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by CreepyPants on Wednesday, October 11, 2006 and has 14 replies.
...on yourself.
don't know? come on... pick one. show yourself some love. smile
mine? hrmmm... i've always been happy with my hands. they are nice... piano hands that are on the petite side. purty shaped nails too that grow too friggin fast if you ask me. i'm sportin' some claws right now that i think im gonna go chop down. Tongue
and tell us WHY it is your favorite feature on yourself!!!!
Alright, I'll oblige, CP... I like my whole face- big doelike eyes, great shape eyebrows, cherub mouth, straight white teeth, symmetrical overall shape, high forehead. The body needs work... but I love the face! lol Winking
you sound quite attractive smile thanks for obliging. Tongue
thats awesome. smile i like your physical self-confidence, sb.
body language is very telling.
and i think being able to 'speak' with your body adds a lot to that confidence.
What, SB?? Are you speaking of me? Where'd you see my pic.?? LOL
LOL-- Now I am more curious... Was it off my profile??
CG in lust... CP said ONe (1) thing !!
I like my head Tongue
Its round like an apple and I think thats unique Winking
LOL!!! Tongue @ Shaka *darn virgo*
Well, I think my legs are a pretty decent feature on me.
I don't have an explanation but I do like them smile
Dunno about those legs, maybe you should send a picture this way!
Thats probably the only pic I'll post in my profile Big Grin

Double ***gasps***
Tongue Tongue Tongue @ Shaka
Whatever, how do you know one of them doesn't resemble me Winking
WAIT! Don't answer that! LOL