Your lifelong dreams?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Sn1p3r187 on Friday, February 21, 2014 and has 11 replies.
Mine have at least two objectives. One is open up a bookstore in the town I live in. Second is start a web comic with my Aqua friend in Wales. Though I haven't talked to him lately. I really wonder what's been up with him. I already have most of story planned out, the only trouble is communication and updating when we'll collaborate for the art. I'm usually the one who draws it out, scan it. And he makes modification to it some programs like sumo, Adobe, or just through another program I haven't heard of. It's been a lifelong dream to become a manga artist. Since him and I share the idea, it's easier to relate on what we should do. That and there's a few other artists who I can collaborate with, like my Aries friend, but she's way too fanatical and would try to kill me before we could finish. I wouldn't mind working with her sister though, much sweeter and goes with flow. So what have your lifelong dreams been? And have you accomplished them?
Is it too late to become the quaterback for the Dallas Cowboys? I'm only 39.
Open a top notch shelter for the homeless. A place where they can stay for months needed, or up to 6 to get them cleaned up, couseled, out, and working again. Have business suits etc donated, and a staff of professional volunteers. I'm an enabler though, so I could see me setting it up so comfortable people wouldn't want to leave.
A few months ago I thought about desgining my own tops/blouses/shirts and opening a boutique. I have jeans for days, but always have a hard time finding the perfect top. I never shop because I never find affordable clothes that I like.
My ultimate dream though, is to express myself somehow, preferrably thru dance. Im very shy and awkward, but I think I could turn up and be visually appealing if given the opportunity. I always wanted to be in some type of video. I still don't know my capabilities in that in, if I'd have the confidence to break out of my shell, because I never explored.
Still have dreams of being in a lab or contributing to the research of diseases.
Still have dreams of digging for gems and diamonds etc. I've always been fascinated by that stuff.
That's all for now. I cant even accomplish getting my sis to help me clean, let alone any of my dreams lol. Maybe one day..
Posted by StillWater
has dxp turned into a diary?
The Sniper Jones diary.

Sounds more like writing a diary in World War II. Ha, yeah no. I'm just asking personal goals in life.
Posted by StillWater
^ It feels that way some days though, doesn't it?
*distant look*

Yeah it does. It's a rainy day in NC. But it's Friday so I'm happy. Got a bunch of stuff to do and most of it involves gaming. But I have to save that for later. I'll save being stuck in a trench for hunting.
I found out today my Aqua friend in Wales is dead. He died a month ago. And a found out today via one of his friends on FB. It saddens me to the very core. He was a great friend and artist who helped me whenever I needed help. It just fucking sucks knowing I found out an entire month after he died. That explains why I haven't gotten contact with in him since January. I feel like the worst friend ever. Knowing it took me month to get the hint he passed. Damn. :o
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
oh my goodness Sad
I am so sorry for you loss. That had to have been really hard news to digest.

It was. I just wish I could cry about it. Me and him were close. But instead of crying I just feel this lingering sadness in the heart and no tears come out. I guess tears are something of the past for me. We were close and I had to find out through his parents when I wanted to talk to him over the phone. Told me he died last month. Why am I always getting everything last. It took me so long to figure out he's gone. Now I don't know who I can collaborate with. Damn, just damn Sad
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
Well, you were thinking of him today and made this thread, even before you knew and the very same day you found out. He knows how close you were to him. Don't worry smile He knows. Tickling your brain today could have been his way of communicating with you so you didn't go on much longer not knowing.
The tears will come out when they need to. You are still processing it.
Don't worry about the collaboration, that will work out too. Just give it time. smile

Well thanks. I just wish I knew what was up with him. It would've been easier to know when it was going to happen so I wouldn't be in for a shock. It just hurts to think of it. But I hope things will go for the best.
Posted by eight67530nine
I'm surprised that one of your lifelong dreams isn't having your balls drop sniper.

One of my lifelong dreams would be for you to go fuck yourself with a chainsaw.
Posted by eight67530nine
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by eight67530nine
I'm surprised that one of your lifelong dreams isn't having your balls drop sniper.

One of my lifelong dreams would be for you to go fuck yourself with a chainsaw.

Watch your mouth young man.
click to expand

Get the Gorilla dick out of your mouth so I can hear you better.
Posted by DWTW
I don't have lifelong dreams. I can intensively and almost obsessively dream about something...change of life situation, visiting a place, a new hobby, skill, whatever but the dreams change with regularity and just as soon as the obsessive dream started, it just passes.

Well that's good. If you don't have some you should make some. I feel like being able to achieve your dreams step by step would probably be the key to your true happiness. I make sure I keep mine on lock because I know eventually I'll achieve it.