Can anyone help me work out which house Chiron would be in my birth chart?

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by aj123 on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 and has 3 replies.
Please let me know how to work it out. I think I can work out the sign but not which house it occupies.

I can provide birth date, time and place details.

Thank you
Posted by tiziani
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Go to Extended Chart Selection

Fill in your details

Scroll down to the scrollbox "Additional Objects"

You will see Chiron is clickable in that list. Make sure it's highlighted once you click it. Then click to draw the chart. It will show you Chiron on your wheel chart and table sitting in your chart's relevant house and sign.

Thank you so much for the helpful and clear answer. If the chiron symbol appears in the 12th segment of the birth chart wheel, it means that Chiron is in 12th house, right?
Posted by tiziani
Posted by aj123
Posted by tiziani
Go to

Go to Extended Chart Selection

Fill in your details

Scroll down to the scrollbox "Additional Objects"

You will see Chiron is clickable in that list. Make sure it's highlighted once you click it. Then click to draw the chart. It will show you Chiron on your wheel chart and table sitting in your chart's relevant house and sign.

Thank you so much for the helpful and clear answer. If the chiron symbol appears in the 12th segment of the birth chart wheel, it means that Chiron is in 12th house, right?

click to expand

Thank you again.

Happy holidays!!!