Signed Up: Nov 06, 2017 Comments: 0 · Posts: 12 · Topics: 0
Leo rising ruler sun in scorpio. If you r a female your resonate with your moon and venus. You may project your Sun and mars. Retrograde planets-planets is internalized and deep. Rx mercury possibility deep thinker.
and guess what? i didnt even respond. i feel soooooo good about that!
so a page with a huge following posted me today and i kept getting followers (don't know how i got posted or how they found me but im feeling really good i'm ge
I finally watched the first one. I was kind of disappointed. But the idea of it still intrigues me.
If you could do that and get away with it with no repercussions, would you? Would you murder someone you have disdain for just because it’s allowed?
Hello, hoping someone might have some some insight on this Capricorn man I like. We met a few months ago and started texting, nothing romantic has happened, then I had to go away and the texting became texting and calling pretty much every day intensive
Hiya. So I'm still hung up over Aries man but am getting out there dating. Have a date with a Pisces on Wednesday. How is it going to go. He is Turkish too like my Aries Man. I see a pattern...