can someone make sense of my natal chart

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by lonesag80 on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 and has 1 replies.
Hello , Im new to this site and enjoying the forums but i need help with my chart goes like this
sun in sag 16.37
moon in sag 27.19
mercury in sag 4.10
venus in scorpio 17.55
mars in capricorn 12.36
jupiter in libra 7.06
saturn in libra 8.18
uranus in scorpio 27.07
neptune in sag 22.11
pluto in libra 23.40
lilith in libra 27.39
asc node leo 12.22
ascendant scorpio
My thing is when i go down the interpretations i have found a lot of contradictions for example some placements say im highly unfaithful and others say im very loyal so im confused can some one help.