who else loves Virgo Risings? This is my favourite Ascendant sign. Very compatible to us, Scorpio Ascendants, because IMO we have similar outlook on life and nearly identical behaviour patterns.
So yep, you're not easily impressed
I'm 28, an Aries woman. (Moon aquarius, rising cancer).
I've known this Taurus man (4 years younger than me) since a while back and we were drinking buddies. During when we were friends, I was sleeping with his good friend who is a Leo (and attached). Wh
I'm getting to know an Aries man whom I fancy. However, my only knowledge of Aries men is their propensity for being quite the lady's man. Has anyone ever seen this combination work for the long term? What are some characteristics of Aries s
I'm getting to know an Aries man whom I fancy. However, my only knowledge of Aries men is their propensity for being quite the lady's man. Has anyone ever seen this combination work for the long term? What are some characteristics of Aries s
I developed a feeling with this sag man. We are workmates. We do casual talks at work. We started to become friends on facebook. I don't know but when started chatting, we suddenly clicked together to the extent that we did sexting. With the flirty exchan
What can you say about this man and me?
I am asking because before i was talking all the time about Virgo man. But you told me the truth- he didnt want, he wasnt ready or he was into someone else.
Thats why I am posting this. Met someone new. Probabl
Just came across this story. Anyone else?
Is it possible that it is easier for the de