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Apr 05, 2019Comments: 12 · Posts: 298 · Topics: 15
It’s visible now...Smartass! Lol
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Apr 05, 2019Comments: 12 · Posts: 298 · Topics: 15 you want me to pay $ 5 to VettiusValens and have my identity stolen and something bad happened to me? 👿
Really? Really? Lazy asses you are!!!
Who is that man anyway? 🤷♀️
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Jul 14, 2016Comments: 4530 · Posts: 12579 · Topics: 56
I'm a big fan of opposite moons.
You'll have fun opening up his Aqua moon.
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May 15, 2018Comments: 574 · Posts: 1765 · Topics: 0
some good venus-mars combo, a conjunct on aries, and almost sextile with taurus-pisces that's spicy, sextile suns are kinda nice, not too easy but not hard, it lets things moving.
I'm not so sure about the opposite moons, also is that a venus opposite pluto and venus trine pluto double whammy? feel intense, maybe too intense, I don't like karmic connections that much.
First, you all stop bad talking Gemitati: all those planets in her 8th house and Sun conjunct Mercury in gemini make her a daring and bright lady - unless you have these traits, how could you understand her?
Gemitati, interpreting is never simple and unless made by a very good astrologer, do not put all the weight on it.
As a beginner, I would say you go study a bit these aspects you have in this synastry:
- moon conjunct Jupiter
- Venus conjunct Mars in the seventh house
- his many planets in your sixth house
- the conjunction of your Saturn to his sun (quite loose, however give it a look)
- his planets in your fifth house
- he has virgo intercepted in his own 7th house and Pisces intercepted in his first house. To my understanding at the moment, intercepted signs do not easily express themselves. Say that when in relationships (7th house) he starts by acting like a leo, however, somewhere in the background his judgements and needs in a relationship would also be the ones of a virgo. So study how a 7th house is virgo works for a deeper understanding of this person. The same for Pisces intercepted in the first. These interceptions may give you a deeper look into his personality and needs. I expect him by his age to have become more aware of these "hidden" traits, but who knows?
- moon opposites in synastry
- study the sign and house of yours and his North Node and Midheaven, for an understanding of each other's purposes in this life, so you can support him in his while taking care of yours too. It adds a very important depth in a relationship.
I would make this synastry chart again, adding some other features: Eros, psyche, juno,nessus, the vertex.
Look, I came to realize that an astrological analysis is both complicated to do (therefore beware of believing everything you re told), quite an invasion in ones privacy (no kidding) and a very good opportunity to meditate and understand good and challenging faces of people/relationships.
Try to study a bit yourself the aspects, planets and houses in yours, his, composite and synastry charts. In time you will be able to discover things on your own and integrate them with knowledge and feelings you have that you cannot just explain to someone else. Just do not blindly follow anything and use your best judgement and feeling. 🙂