Got rejected by taurus despite nice synastry(((

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by Osmanicin on Saturday, September 29, 2018 and has 7 replies.
i guys,

I was using an online dating site recently. I was normally asking for full birthdays of the guys that I matched with. So, this guy and I seemed to have a very good synastry with sun/moon, venus/mars, moon/mars, mars/pluto, both of our moon in the same sign, etc. I was thrilled and decided to meet the guy.

We had amazing dates. He made my taurus venus feel so comfortable with his calm and patient nature, cooking for me, playing guitar for me, cuddling for hours. I thought it was the right guy for me and our relationship will work out definitely. But suddenly after a week, he told me that he is not ready for a new relationship bow because he just broke up with his girlfriend. He just wanted to meet someone new and didng expect everything to be so emotional. And told me that the breakup was very hard for him and his partner and he is not willing to live all those emotions again.

That left me devastated. I didnt expect it. I cried for hours and begged him to stay. He said it is okay to be friends. But I wonder if I patiently wait for him and communicate every day is it possible to have a relationship together?

My astrological view on the whole thing is that our charts are very compatible (except my sun in his 12th house, he is not avle to see me). Currently he is having bad times (transit jupiter opposite his personal planets etc.) I wonder if it is worth the wait for good times?
Both of our moons in capricorn.

My moon/uranus/neptune trine his sun

My juno/north node trine his mars/mercury/chiron

My venus conjunct his mars/mercury/ chiron

My pluto opposite his mars/mercury/chiron

My pluto sextile his moon and conjunct his psyche

His venus trine my ascendant and conjunct my psyche

My mars trine his saturn/pluto

His saturn pluto opposite my mercury

And insights appreciated, love xoxo

I don’t know if you’re still around but astrology and synastry aside he told you he can’t date you. That’s it. Don’t ever beg a man.
Stop online dating.
Sounds like he was using you for a good time to get his mind off his ex.

Some Taurus men I know take foreverrrrrrrr to get over their ex. If you are willing to wait like YEARS, then I guess go ahead? But probably not the best idea out there.
Hey girl, let me tell you my story what happened to me like 3 years ago. So I met that guy at the museum and started to getting to know him better, we were match made in heaven according to cafe astrology Big Grin like all the positive and super positive aspects, not a single negative one, how it ended? well (clears throat) , he rejected me, cause I was 6 years older than him Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin lmaoo, didn't give a flying F. His dumb ads is still on my facebook, crying over hoes who use him, he "has lost faith in women" Big Grin Big Grin