Help for the interpretation of a triangle in my chart?

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by norastro on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 and has 1 replies.
Hello everyone,

I have been studying some astrology in the past few years, but I feel like I need some help to understand an important part in my chart:

I have a triangle with Pluto at the top 2nd House in Scorpio. It has two sextiles with a conjunct Jupiter/Venus 11th house in Virgo, and two sextiles with a conjuct Uranus/Neptune 3rd house in Capricorn. The Jupiter/Venus conjunct and the Uranus/Neptune conjunct are connected by four trines.

I am a Leo, Libra rising, and Taurus moon.

I feel like if I could understand better this triangle, it would help me find my way through life (choice of where to focus, what to work on,... Right now my interests are spirituality, travelling, music, healing)

Thank you everyone!! =)