Mars and Body Type

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by Tapatio89 on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 and has 19 replies.
I am aware Mars defines our sexual energy and in a woman´s chart, the type of man she is attracted to.

But, I also heard Mars can tell body type (tall, medium, short, slender, stocky, muscular, fat, etc). Is this true?

My Mars is in Libra, what kind of body would a Mars in Libra have usually?

MARS is all about action. I think Venus are more about height preferences..
Mars can represent the attitude of the type of man a woman may be attracted to. I would not say Mars has anything to do with appearance though.

From my experience the Sun sign and ascendant have much more to do with looks. Also, if you have any planets in your first house this will affect how you look.
That is incorrect.
Mars contributes to your body burning energy (along with your Sun) the only correlation that would determine "body type" is if someone had a weak Mars and therefore were lazy and became a couch potato. Body type, overall physique and major features is determined by the Ascendant sign. Also if there are any planets within the 1st house those would also contribute to someone's appearance.
@applevalleyastrologer so what would that mean for someone like me who has a Libra ascendant with Venus, sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the first house? Pluto is also right on the 1st/2nd house cusp.
Posted by Koniucha
Hmm, I think it would more affect movement, since Mars is action.

Like maybe a Mars in Sag is clumsy like a horse, Mars in Pisces would be graceful, etc

That would make sense for me. I'm Mars in Gemini and I don't stop moving ever.
Posted by tiziani
The only correlation I've heard of (which is surprisingly high) is Mars in 1st = high odds of being a redhead.

It's only of the three biggest statistical correlations in metaphysics. So high that no one has any kind of explanation to disprove it.

But other than that I've never seen anything to indicate Mars by itself dictating appearance.

LMBO!!!! I've had people tell me that I should wear red in my hair for YEARS! I never did since I thought it was super ghetto. Now that I'm in a place of comfortable employment/career level and my skillset outweighs my outward appearance, I wear red in my hair weave on a regular basis. Just look at the DXP pic I have now. Ha ha ha ha

Next color is purple though...for a hair show. Then back to red I guess. :-)
Posted by MsTeeq1974
Posted by tiziani
The only correlation I've heard of (which is surprisingly high) is Mars in 1st = high odds of being a redhead.

It's only of the three biggest statistical correlations in metaphysics. So high that no one has any kind of explanation to disprove it.

But other than that I've never seen anything to indicate Mars by itself dictating appearance.

LMBO!!!! I've had people tell me that I should wear red in my hair for YEARS! I never did since I thought it was super ghetto. Now that I'm in a place of comfortable employment/career level and my skillset outweighs my outward appearance, I wear red in my hair weave on a regular basis. Just look at the DXP pic I have now. Ha ha ha ha

Next color is purple though...for a hair show. Then back to red I guess. :-)
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I love it on you!!
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
@applevalleyastrologer so what would that mean for someone like me who has a Libra ascendant with Venus, sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the first house? Pluto is also right on the 1st/2nd house cusp.


What are the sign rulers for all of those planets? Libra?
I agree with the thought that the ascendant would be a better litmus for body type than Mars. However, a, eh...maybe Taurus might be inclined to put on weight. Then again, I sway back and forth, because when I am active, it's to the extreme. I enjoy hours and hours of soccer or bball or even running in place on treadmill when I'm active. If I can't build up to pushing myself to ridiculous limits, then I quit working out. As much I like the idea of working out 10-15 minutes every day, my body is like, WTF is THIS! Give me more woman, give me MORE! Steady and non-stop. That's what my body prefers from me. Not so much quick or fast, just steady and lots of tension. So lightweight objects don't do. I end up replacing fat with muscle VERY quickly.
Posted by ashley1734
Posted by MsTeeq1974
Posted by tiziani
The only correlation I've heard of (which is surprisingly high) is Mars in 1st = high odds of being a redhead.

It's only of the three biggest statistical correlations in metaphysics. So high that no one has any kind of explanation to disprove it.

But other than that I've never seen anything to indicate Mars by itself dictating appearance.

LMBO!!!! I've had people tell me that I should wear red in my hair for YEARS! I never did since I thought it was super ghetto. Now that I'm in a place of comfortable employment/career level and my skillset outweighs my outward appearance, I wear red in my hair weave on a regular basis. Just look at the DXP pic I have now. Ha ha ha ha

Next color is purple though...for a hair show. Then back to red I guess. :-)

I love it on you!!
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Thanks Dear. :-)
Posted by applevalleyastrologer
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
@applevalleyastrologer so what would that mean for someone like me who has a Libra ascendant with Venus, sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the first house? Pluto is also right on the 1st/2nd house cusp.


What are the sign rulers for all of those planets? Libra?
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since my Libra ascendant is in 27 degrees nope, there's the big twist. so Jupiter is in Libra still, but Venus is 0 degrees Scorpio, Mercury and sun and Pluto are also Scorpio but well into Scorpio compared to Venus.

my Mars was so close to being in the first too. missed that one by minutes. I can only imagine what I'd be like with that in the first house too lmao.
Posted by Koniucha
Posted by ashley1734
Posted by Koniucha
Hmm, I think it would more affect movement, since Mars is action.

Like maybe a Mars in Sag is clumsy like a horse, Mars in Pisces would be graceful, etc

That would make sense for me. I'm Mars in Gemini and I don't stop moving ever.

My daughter Has mars in Gemini too and never sits still. Lol

Drives me bananas sometimes
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Haha it irritates my mom too. I could never sit through a movie as a kid.

Now I go to the gym twice during the day so that helps expel some of the energy, but I don't sleep ever.
A Libra-Scorpio combination (especially with your Venus in Scorpio) you'll have the magnetic persona of a 2nd decante Libra but with a mysterious sex-appeal that Scorpio is stereotyped. Libra and Scorpio share similar physical features so it's sometimes difficult to tell the difference between the two (judging by someone's appearance) usually the personality is a dead-giveaway. Libras and Scorpios both have eyes that draw other people in, it's typically the most prominent feature for Libras. As for Scorpios they usually have full lips to go along with those big eyes and their expression is always intense regardless of their mood.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by MsTeeq1974
Posted by tiziani
The only correlation I've heard of (which is surprisingly high) is Mars in 1st = high odds of being a redhead.

It's only of the three biggest statistical correlations in metaphysics. So high that no one has any kind of explanation to disprove it.

But other than that I've never seen anything to indicate Mars by itself dictating appearance.

LMBO!!!! I've had people tell me that I should wear red in my hair for YEARS! I never did since I thought it was super ghetto. Now that I'm in a place of comfortable employment/career level and my skillset outweighs my outward appearance, I wear red in my hair weave on a regular basis. Just look at the DXP pic I have now. Ha ha ha ha

Next color is purple though...for a hair show. Then back to red I guess. :-)

You have Mars in 1st?

I agree with the above, it looks good. And I rarely think streaks look good in hair.
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Yes Dear...
Posted by Koniucha
Posted by ashley1734
Posted by Koniucha
Hmm, I think it would more affect movement, since Mars is action.

Like maybe a Mars in Sag is clumsy like a horse, Mars in Pisces would be graceful, etc

That would make sense for me. I'm Mars in Gemini and I don't stop moving ever.

My daughter Has mars in Gemini too and never sits still. Lol

Drives me bananas sometimes
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I hate to be a smarta** but depending on the context the Ego *could be associated with the Moon* from an astro-psychological perspective, but yes the Ego is ONE component to the first house. You have to examine the function of purpose of the houses and look beyond just keywords and associations. The first house represents the physical manifestation of the individual (or event if you're drawing a Horary chart) It is the house that is ruled by Aries, the house that initiates the evolutionary journey, a life force integrating into the material plane.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by MsTeeq1974
Posted by tiziani
The only correlation I've heard of (which is surprisingly high) is Mars in 1st = high odds of being a redhead.

It's only of the three biggest statistical correlations in metaphysics. So high that no one has any kind of explanation to disprove it.

But other than that I've never seen anything to indicate Mars by itself dictating appearance.

LMBO!!!! I've had people tell me that I should wear red in my hair for YEARS! I never did since I thought it was super ghetto. Now that I'm in a place of comfortable employment/career level and my skillset outweighs my outward appearance, I wear red in my hair weave on a regular basis. Just look at the DXP pic I have now. Ha ha ha ha

Next color is purple though...for a hair show. Then back to red I guess. :-)

You have Mars in 1st?

I agree with the above, it looks good. And I rarely think streaks look good in hair.
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Sorry, was in a phone meeting when I responded the first time. Thank you!
Posted by MsTeeq1974
Posted by tiziani
The only correlation I've heard of (which is surprisingly high) is Mars in 1st = high odds of being a redhead.

It's only of the three biggest statistical correlations in metaphysics. So high that no one has any kind of explanation to disprove it.

But other than that I've never seen anything to indicate Mars by itself dictating appearance.

LMBO!!!! I've had people tell me that I should wear red in my hair for YEARS! I never did since I thought it was super ghetto. Now that I'm in a place of comfortable employment/career level and my skillset outweighs my outward appearance, I wear red in my hair weave on a regular basis. Just look at the DXP pic I have now. Ha ha ha ha

Next color is purple though...for a hair show. Then back to red I guess. :-)
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Deep Violet.


Posted by Montgomery
Posted by MsTeeq1974
Posted by tiziani
The only correlation I've heard of (which is surprisingly high) is Mars in 1st = high odds of being a redhead.

It's only of the three biggest statistical correlations in metaphysics. So high that no one has any kind of explanation to disprove it.

But other than that I've never seen anything to indicate Mars by itself dictating appearance.

LMBO!!!! I've had people tell me that I should wear red in my hair for YEARS! I never did since I thought it was super ghetto. Now that I'm in a place of comfortable employment/career level and my skillset outweighs my outward appearance, I wear red in my hair weave on a regular basis. Just look at the DXP pic I have now. Ha ha ha ha

Next color is purple though...for a hair show. Then back to red I guess. :-)

Deep Violet.


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I wish. Lol...I actually had to get PURPLE hair, because the beauty suupply store was out of the darker violet in the type of hair that we needed and on back order for THREE weeks. So, I got similar hair in black and purple. This should be VERY interesting. Thank God its Halloween. LMBO!!!

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