Natal Chart

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by Amzz on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 and has 11 replies.
Can you please tell me about my Natal Chart?
Thanks You!

Your planet positions:
Sun 21' 32' in Taurus
Moon 21' 50' in Libra
Mercury 12' 57' in Gemini
Venus 24' 52' in Aries
Mars 24' 29' in Leo
Jupiter 12' 54' in Sagittarius
Saturn 22' 16' in Pisces
Uranus 00' 29' in Aquarius
Neptune 25' 33' in Capricorn
Pluto 29' 14' in Scorpio
Your Sun is in Taurus
On the 21st of April, the Sun enters the zodiacal sign of the Bull, thought, and remains in that sign until the 20th of May and therefore children born between those dates partake in a great measure of the characteristics of this sign. Taurus is ruled by Venus the planet of love, and therefore the children of thought have a basically amicable and kind disposition, but when they once have conceived an idea they cling to it with stubbornness, they are very resentful of contradiction and very difficult to convince that they have made a mistake; but when one has once succeeded in showing them that they are wrong their inherent love of justice and truth will prompt them to acknowledge their mistakes and try to rectify them. They have a very strong and determined will so that when they set up a goal for themselves or have made up their minds to do anything they usually keep on working with patience and persistence until they make a success of whatever they have undertaken. They also have good executive ability and are able to take leading positions where they have others under their command. Although they are amicable and agreeable when in the company of others they have a strong tendency to seek solitude and to become very self-centered. They seem to set up unconsciously a barrier between themselves and other people so that it is difficult to become intimately acquainted with them. Taurus children are very keen in their desires for material possessions and they are usually very fortunate also in acquiring them for besides having good earning power themselves they are often the recipients of inheritance. But they do not want wealth for the sake of having it as much as for the pleasure and comfort which they can get out of it; they are very fond of comforts and luxuries, art, music, drama and other refining influences of life. The children of thought have an abundance of vitality to start with, but they are very apt to go to excess in work or play, waste their energy and become ill as a consequence. They are particularly attracted to the pleasures of the table. They revel in rich foods which later give them a tendency to digestive troubles, e
enlargement of the liver, heart disease and congestion of the kidneys. These diseases are very apt to make them uncomfortable in later life, therefore parents should inculcate in them above all things the virtue of frugality, not only by precept, but by example, for these Taurus children, are very quick and they will readily see that mother and father tell me to eat little but they eat all they want themselves. They should also be taught to take plenty of exercise as a means to promote health, for the children of thought are rather indolent in their manner. However, as said before, they have a most wonderful vitality particularly if they are born at sunrise and although they may become subject to the diseases mentioned they will usually have a long life and a fair measure of general good health, wealth and happiness.
A favorable position for the financial fortunes but it also gives a tendency to extravagance, especially in dress, and makes the person extremely fond of the opposite sex, sometimes with detrimental results. It gives great physical strength and the person loves to show off that people may admire his prowess. Taurus rules the larynx and therefore the Sun in Taurus adds strength to the vocal organs and gives the person a strong, pleasant voice.
Your Moon is in Libra
The Moon in Libra is a fortunate position for the acquisition of friends and public popularity for it makes the person kind, sympathetic and agreeable, optimistic and fond of social pleasures. This position also gives good reasoning powers and the ability to form a correct judgment, love of art and music, sometimes considerable ability as a performer if assisted by other aspects.
Your Mars is in Leo
Mars in Leo and well-aspected gives an active, industrious and honest nature, fearless and independent in all dealings with others, a keen sense of honor and responsibility, hence makes one eminently fitted to occupy a position of trust either in a public or private concern. These people are enthusiastic and energetic either in work or play, lovers of sport and a good time generally. They are very ardent in their admiration of the opposite sex and woo the object of their affections with an intensity that carries all before it, overrides all obstacles and brings the matter to a speedy consummation. These people never beat about the bush but say what they mean in a manner that is often extremely embarrassing in its directness.
They are strong and forceful in their arguments either for or against that which they believe or disbelieve and therefore they not infrequently arouse opposition on the part of those who differ from them. They are very venturesome and often take a pride in risk either in the pursuit of pleasure or business. When Mars is afflicted in Leo it gives a fiery, violent temper and a liability to fever inflammatory diseases, palpitation of the heart, hallucinations, biliousness. There is also danger of inordinate affection, trouble in courtship, loss of children and loss through speculations. An afflicted Mars in Leo gives the same daring as when well-aspected but the danger of accident is greater because the person with the afflicted planets becomes foolhardy and reckless.
Your Jupiter is in Sagittarius
Jupiter in Sagittarius when well-aspected gives good fortune and general success in life, a humane, broad and philosophical mind, a reverent and religious disposition. Hence people with this position rise to the top and become leaders in their various spheres of life, finding places of prominence in church or state, scientific or philosophic enterprises or institutions. If Jupiter is afflicted in Sagittarius it makes the person sporty, fond of cheap and gaudy display, extravagant and ready to take a chance on any gamble, causes loss of social standing if born in a better environment, trouble through law, financial difficulties, narrow-minded sectarian views if incline to be religious.
Your Saturn is in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces when well-aspected gives a tendency to success in some quiet peaceful line of life where these people do not come into contact with the public, such as laboratory or research work or in connection with institutions for the care of wards of the community; they are regular home-bodies but when Saturn is afflicted in Pisces it gives danger of confinement by a chronic disease or liability to imprisonment. The person makes many enemies who will be persistent in their persecution of him.
Mind and communication
Your Mercury is in Gemini
Mercury in Gemini makes a person fond of change and travel. He is always ready to investigate some new thing, or go to some other place for a change; in short, almost anything that is new appeals to him. At the same time if Mercury is well-fortified such people gain greatly by this fluidic state of the mind for they are shrewd and penetrating in their judgment so that they know good value when they see it and are not prejudiced by preconceived, set opinions. Therefore they are good business men and their ability to see a point makes them particularly good lawyers. They also succeed well as traveling salesmen.
Relations and personal
Your Venus is in Aries
Venus in Aries lends ardors to the affection of Venus by blending them with the fire of Mars who is ruler of Aries and for that reason it makes the person very ardent in the expression of affection. This usually leads to popularity especially among the opposite sex and often results in a hasty marriage, but that kind of love is not and cannot be lasting. Eventually the fire of passion burns out the love and marriages brought about by this position are then fruitful sources of domestic unhappiness. This position also inclines the person to be rash and impulsive whenever his sympathies are appealed to, so that he often helps an unworthy cause. Venus in Aries also inclines the person to general extravagance in his expenditures.

Hmm that's an interesting star pattern. All the planets in different signs.
How do you feel? Calm? Or anxiety? Restless, or sedate?
Do any people annoy you, or does everyone seem amiable?

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