PLEASE help! I kinda need some insight into this potential relationship ASAP

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by HappyLoveDreams2017 on Friday, June 2, 2017 and has 42 replies.
I am about to make a major proposition to this person, and I need to know how it looks like we will fair as partners/lovers/ friends. Thanks for any help and insight you can provide. I really appreciate it!

Here are our natal charts:

User Submitted Image


User Submitted Image

And, here's the chart wheel of our synastry:

User Submitted Image


Neptune Conjunction Pluto Orb 0°02'

Jupiter Conjunction Pluto Orb 0°20'

Sun Conjunction Sun Orb 0°24'

Sun Conjunction Mercury Orb 1°08'

Pluto Conjunction Venus Orb 3°08'

Saturn Conjunction MC Orb 4°13'

Pluto Conjunction Mars Orb 4°35'

Moon Conjunction Jupiter Orb 5°13'

Saturn Conjunction Uranus Orb 5°27'

MC Conjunction Saturn Orb 5°38'

Venus Conjunction Mars Orb 8°57'

Mercury Conjunction Mercury Orb 9°21'

Mercury Conjunction Sun Orb 10°05

Mercury Opposite AS Orb 0°56'

Venus Opposite AS Orb 3°14'

Lilith Opposite Sun Orb 4°43'

Mars Opposite Saturn Orb 6°19'

Uranus Opposite Jupiter Orb 7°27'

Saturn Square AS Orb 0°04'

Mars Square Venus Orb 0°35'

Moon Square Pluto Orb 1°11'

Lilith Square Moon Orb 1°34'

Sun Square Neptune Orb 1°34'

Venus Square Uranus Orb 2°08'

Lilith Square Neptune Orb 2°44'

Neptune Square Jupiter Orb 4°05'

Jupiter Square Jupiter Orb 4°23'

Mercury Square Uranus Orb 4°27'

Mercury Square MC Orb 5°14'

Sun Square MC Orb 5°15'

Sun Square Moon Orb 5°52'

Uranus Trine Uranus Orb 0°26'

MC Trine AS Orb 1°18'

Mars Trine Sun Orb 1°30'

Pluto Trine Neptune Orb 2°03'

Mars Trine Mercury Orb 2°14'

Pluto Trine Moon Orb 2°14'

AS Trine Mercury Orb 3°02'

Moon Trine Sun Orb 3°12'

AS Trine Sun Orb 3°47'

Moon Trine Mercury Orb 3°57'

Pluto Sextile Pluto Orb 0°20'

AS Sextile Saturn Orb 1°02'

Node Sextile MC Orb 1°31'

Neptune Sextile Moon Orb 1°55'

Jupiter Sextile Neptune Orb 2°04'

Jupiter Sextile Moon Orb 2°14'

Neptune Sextile Neptune Orb 2°22'

Jupiter Sextile Venus Orb 3°08'

Neptune Sextile Venus Orb 3°27'

Lilith Sextile Jupiter Orb 3°43'

Chiron Sextile Uranus Orb 3°56'

Neptune Sextile Mars Orb 4°16'

Sun Sextile Saturn Orb 5°14'

Lilith Inconjunction Pluto Orb 0°19'

Mars Inconjunction Neptune Orb 0°28'

Moon Inconjunction Venus Orb 2°18'

Node SemiSquare Mars Orb 0°01'

Mercury SemiSquare Pluto Orb 0°30'

Uranus SemiSquare Sun Orb 0°53'

MC SemiSquare Moon Orb 1°45'

Chiron SemiSquare Moon Orb 1°53'

Uranus SesquiQuadrate Neptune Orb 1°05'

Neptune SesquiQuadrate AS Orb 1°28'

Node Quintile Moon Orb 0°40'

Moon BiQuintile Mars Orb 0°34'

Mars BiQuintile Moon Orb 1°12'

Sun SemiSextile Venus Orb 0°29'

Moon SemiSextile Neptune Orb 1°13'


Person1's Sun in Person2's 8 house

Person2's Sun in Person1's 7 house

Person1's Moon in Person2's 12 house

Person2's Moon in Person1's 11 house

Person1's Mercury in Person2's 8 house

Person2's Mercury in Person1's 6 house

Person1's Venus in Person2's 7 house

Person2's Venus in Person1's 6 house

Person1's Mars in Person2's 7 house

Person2's Mars in Person1's 2 house

Person1's Jupiter in Person2's 1 house

Person2's Jupiter in Person1's 8 house

Person1's Saturn in Person2's 10 house

Person2's Saturn in Person1's 9 house

Person1's Uranus in Person2's 11 house

Person2's Uranus in Person1's 6 house

Person1's Neptune in Person2's 11 house

Person2's Neptune in Person1's 8 house

Person1's Pluto in Person2's 9 house

Person2's Pluto in Person1's 6 house


So, how would you describe this relationship? Does it seem like a good one? Are there special elements to it and certain things that stand out as exceptional? I am especially interested in knowing if either of us have a sun or moon in hard aspect to the other's sun/moon mid-point, as I heard that that's an excellent aspect to have.

If anyone with experience in relationship astrology could give me the low-down on this union and how it lookws like it will play out, I would really appreciate it!

Thanks to all who reply.

Posted by OrGasMe
Go to and post a Synastry chart. It will be easier for people to help you.
Thank you. But, how do I post a chart picture?

Post the chart. It'll be easier for people to read and then give their opinions.
Posted by OrGasMe
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
Posted by OrGasMe
Go to and post a Synastry chart. It will be easier for people to help you.
Thank you. But, how do I post a chart picture?

Upload to Imgur and copy code.

click to expand
Okay, I'll give that a try. Thanks!

Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
Posted by OrGasMe
Go to and post a Synastry chart. It will be easier for people to help you.
Thank you. But, how do I post a chart picture?

click to expand
Drag the image to your desktop. Then go to your DXP profile page, click on 'photos' and upload it.

Posted by OrGasMe
Go to and post a Synastry chart. It will be easier for people to help you.
Okay, I went there, but I can't find where to go for a free synastry chart. Could you provide the exact link? I'm afraid I'm lost...

Posted by OrGasMe
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
Posted by OrGasMe
Go to and post a Synastry chart. It will be easier for people to help you.
Okay, I went there, but I can't find where to go for a free synastry chart. Could you provide the exact link? I'm afraid I'm lost...

I'm on my phone and logged into my so I don't think my link will work.

Click horoscopes-extended chart selection- where it says 'Natal chart wheel' change that to 'Synastry (2)'

click to expand
Thank you so much. I found it!

Okay, here's the chart (if it posts). Hope this helps:

Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
Posted by OrGasMe
Go to and post a Synastry chart. It will be easier for people to help you.
Thank you. But, how do I post a chart picture?

Drag the image to your desktop. Then go to your DXP profile page, click on 'photos' and upload it.

click to expand
I did that. It is now my profile picture, if that helps.

Posted by VCastrillon
Post the chart. It'll be easier for people to read and then give their opinions.
I went to Imgur as suggested and cppied the code into a post here, but it wont show up in my posts. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
Posted by VCastrillon
Post the chart. It'll be easier for people to read and then give their opinions.
I went to Imgur as suggested and cppied the code into a post here, but it wont show up in my posts. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

click to expand
No, I'm sorry, I don't. I'm the worst person to ask for help about that.

Come on! Is nobody willing to give me an analysis of this? It's very important to me.
Again, here's the link to the synastry chart wheel that a couple people on this thread were asking for:

Going there and looking at the chart wheel might make it easier to interpret. Please give me some feedback. Thanks!

Is anybody out there? Are there any generous souls out there who'd be willing to help me understand how this union might play out? Anyone??
Thank you, @Blue_Froggie! You are very sweet!

And thank you too, @sultrykitty!

I will begin to do what you suggested now, Blue_Froggie. I haven't had luck with the imgur links, as far as embedding the chart images here, so I think I might have to resort to linking you to the charts. Either way, I'll get started...

Thanks again!
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017

Is anybody out there? Are there any generous souls out there who'd be willing to help me understand how this union might play out? Anyone??
"Is anybody out there?"

Chillax. You're asking strangers to do you a good turn, and they will. But try to remember, though, that your urgency is not their emergency.

@Blue_Froggie, here you go:

Person 1 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Person 2 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Synastry chart between us:

User Submitted Image

Hey, maybe I finally figured out how this image-sharing thing works! :-)

Let me know if this is good and if you need me to change anything. Thanks again for your kindness and patience.

Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017

Is anybody out there? Are there any generous souls out there who'd be willing to help me understand how this union might play out? Anyone??
"Is anybody out there?"

Chillax. You're asking strangers to do you a good turn, and they will. But try to remember, though, that your urgency is not their emergency.

click to expand

I understand, but these message forums are updated at a rapid pace. If I didn't bump my thread, chances are, I wouldn't have gotten any replies at all. And I definitely am appreciative of the time people are taking to reply, believe me.

Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017

Is anybody out there? Are there any generous souls out there who'd be willing to help me understand how this union might play out? Anyone??
"Is anybody out there?"

Chillax. You're asking strangers to do you a good turn, and they will. But try to remember, though, that your urgency is not their emergency.

I understand, but these message forums are updated at a rapid pace. If I didn't bump my thread, chances are, I wouldn't have gotten any replies at all. And I definitely am appreciative of the time people are taking to reply, believe me.

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"If I didn't bump my thread, chances are, I wouldn't have gotten any replies at all. And I definitely am appreciative[.]" No, I was just teasing you. Teasing you and schooling you, because I'm an old fuddy duddy. You seem very sweet. I hope you get the answers you need.
Aw, thanks @VCastrillion :-)

Fingers crossed, and wishing on a star!
I like the sound of that! Yeah, it is crazy, and I definitely intend to go with it :-)
Posted by LovingSeraphina
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
I like the sound of that! Yeah, it is crazy, and I definitely intend to go with it :-)
Good luck x smile
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Thank you!

NOTE: Now that I've figured out how to share images on here, I've updated the original post with them, for clarity.
@Blue_Froggie, I'm person 1, she's person 2.

As for who's the man or woman in the relationship, well, we're both women. But, she would probably be considered the one with the more masculine energy, I think.
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
@Blue_Froggie, I'm person 1, she's person 2.

As for who's the man or woman in the relationship, well, we're both women. But, she would probably be considered the one with the more masculine energy, I think.
Okie great. I needed to know that.

Will be back in an hour or two with the reading. I have a reception to attend in few hours,so I will do it asap. But don't wait for it. Sleep if it is late for you..

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Super! Thanks, looking forward to it.

Posted by Freetobe007
? It's a really unhealthy idea to try and predict every turn of your relationship with an astrological chart. You're likely to run into situations where you think you know everything and assume that the conclusive details are a matter of his/her chart. A union isn't all about what time you were born and which placement is where. There are other non-astrological aspects that impact things. Why not just go with the flow?

I intend to, but I will also be armed with astrological knowledge as-well, which can't be a bad thing, I don't think.

@Freetobe007- I appreciate your perspective. There are certain times however, when I think astrological knowledge can enhance a relationship and serve as a sort of bonding, as I think it will in this case. Of course, I won't be a slave to it though, so don't worry. Thanks.
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
@Blue_Froggie, here you go:

Person 1 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Person 2 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Synastry chart between us:

User Submitted Image

Hey, maybe I finally figured out how this image-sharing thing works! :-)

Let me know if this is good and if you need me to change anything. Thanks again for your kindness and patience.

I wish the charts were made available when I was free, I looked for some major pattern completions that didn't happen... There is good aspect that could give a meant to be/fated feel but I still feel it isn't enough. And there are few things I wanna look again I need more time to do that. At first glance, it looks more to do with some benefits as such because of the 2R/Jupiter on 8R Pluto? I'm not sure but let me look at it again.. I will be back.

I wanna check with few others on this... They have extensive knowledge on this subject and i wanna be sure.


The outer person's MC is sitting on the inner person's Sun/Moon midpoint. I would like your take on this?


Will you look at this synastry,if you have the time? Unaspected Saturn and Saturn-Uranus with a loose conjunction to MC!! I dread unaspected Saturn and Uranus Saturn!

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@Blue_Froggie - Sorry it took me a while to get the charts to you. So, if it helps, just wait til' you're free again, to give them the attention to detail you feel they need (when do you think you'll be free again?). It will be interesting to hear what @Palerio and @DonJohnson say about the synastry also (thanks for tagging them).

I'll just go ahead with what I was planning for Person 2 anyway, but I'm definitely looking forward to knowing what you all see in our synastry, once you get a chance to take a deeper look. And hopefully others who see this thread will be willing to provide their thoughts/knowledge on the matter as-well (please, y'all!).

Thanks again!

Just a note on my relationship with this person: it's a non-traditional one, so if there are elements in our chart that point to a lack of commitment, I wouldn't be surprised. But, I am more concerned with the compatibility of us as people - temperaments and love- style s. And does the chart show any major themes and characteristics in our relationship? Just anything would be great to know.
@Blue_Froggie- Thank you!

So, would you say the relationship would work as an open-relationship? Is that what the chart shows?
@Blue_Froggie- Cool.Thanks for getting back to me, and for your willingness to look in detail. Will you be posting the reading today, or later? If later, I understand. You do sound very busy, and I appreciate you taking some time out for me.
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
@Blue_Froggie- Cool.Thanks for getting back to me, and for your willingness to look in detail. Will you be posting the reading today, or later? If later, I understand. You do sound very busy, and I appreciate you taking some time out for me.
Later today...Lol say after four hours so dont wait for it.

Very busy day, this is why I hate committing because I don't know to time manageAngry

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@Blue_Froggie - It's okay, I totally understand!

I'll look forward to it for later today then, if that works out.

Hope you have a great day. Don't stress too much.

Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
@Blue_Froggie, here you go:

Person 1 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Person 2 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Synastry chart between us:

User Submitted Image

Hey, maybe I finally figured out how this image-sharing thing works! :-)

Let me know if this is good and if you need me to change anything. Thanks again for your kindness and patience.


The outer person's MC is sitting on the inner person's Sun/Moon midpoint. I would like your take on this?

click to expand
It seems promising.

I usually look at the MC similarly to the way I look at NN and partially at the vertex; you need a direction in life and that is exactly what those points are meant to show you. When we look at them, "I need to go there" is the urgency we feel.

In this particular case, we shall consider person B central in her life. A promising aspect because person A, due to her sun/moon midpoint being on his MC, is provided with a secondary purpose in life. She's going to feel extra driven because Person B stands right where her body (sun) and soul (moon) converge (midpoint).

Much like the NN, the MC can add a spiritual dimension to your life. A sense of peacefulness and stability will derive from dedicating your whole life to your partner. Person A will love B deeply, and passionately will try to take their relationship to the next level. She will never get tired of him because he'll be right there where the sun/moon midpoint are suggesting her to go anyway.

Person A will naturally put effort into the relationship because she'll feel inspired.

The downside of such aspect could be Person B ultimately turning into an obsession for Person A.

@Palerio thank you so much! This does give me hope that despite the potential of our relationship and it being very nontraditional, that there will be a certain level of commitment there. You were very sweet to take the time out to explain this to me. I really appreciate it!

@Blue_Froggie Have you had any more chance to look at our synastry chart? I really look forward to reading what you find!
@Blue_Froggie- I'm starting to get worried, as I haven't heard from you. If it's because you've been too busy, I understand. But, I am worried that it's because you don't like how the synastry chart looks and are afraid to tell me (though I hope I'm wrong).
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
@Blue_Froggie- I'm starting to get worried, as I haven't heard from you. If it's because you've been too busy, I understand. But, I am worried that it's because you don't like how the synastry chart looks and are afraid to tell me (though I hope I'm wrong).
I didn't read because I was struggling with sneezing fits that don't seem to stop.... Lil better now and I have looked at our charts.... Will type the reading tonight.

And no, your synastry connection has very strong aspects that can be termed intense and sexual...
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@Blue_Froggie- Thank you for the reply. Sounds good. Looking forward to the reading and hope you feel better.

Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by Palerio
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
@Blue_Froggie, here you go:

Person 1 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Person 2 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Synastry chart between us:

User Submitted Image

Hey, maybe I finally figured out how this image-sharing thing works! :-)

Let me know if this is good and if you need me to change anything. Thanks again for your kindness and patience.


The outer person's MC is sitting on the inner person's Sun/Moon midpoint. I would like your take on this?

It seems promising.

I usually look at the MC similarly to the way I look at NN and partially at the vertex; you need a direction in life and that is exactly what those points are meant to show you. When we look at them, "I need to go there" is the urgency we feel.

In this particular case, we shall consider person B central in her life. A promising aspect because person A, due to her sun/moon midpoint being on his MC, is provided with a secondary purpose in life. She's going to feel extra driven because Person B stands right where her body (sun) and soul (moon) converge (midpoint).

Much like the NN, the MC can add a spiritual dimension to your life. A sense of peacefulness and stability will derive from dedicating your whole life to your partner. Person A will love B deeply, and passionately will try to take their relationship to the next level. She will never get tired of him because he'll be right there where the sun/moon midpoint are suggesting her to go anyway.

Person A will naturally put effort into the relationship because she'll feel inspired.

Thank you so much! I couldn't reply as soon as you posted because I was busy sneezing thousand times a day, needed to read your interpretation only when I could think.

I consider MC the same as how you see it... not just as career/social status etc,... I think I would have read that aspect as person B uplifting person A? I need to learn to work with midpoints?

I have a question. Are angles as potent as having a planet in the midpoint?
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That's a good question about whether angles are as potent as having a planet at the midpoint. It will be interesting to know what @Palerio thinks about that.

Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
@Blue_Froggie, here you go:

Person 1 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Person 2 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Synastry chart between us:

User Submitted Image

Hey, maybe I finally figured out how this image-sharing thing works! :-)

Let me know if this is good and if you need me to change anything. Thanks again for your kindness and patience.

Hi! Sorry I couldn't read it earlier....

There are some beautiful aspects... Your Venus on her Vertex would be something that's meant to happen for you to fall in love, some have said that it felt like everything happened just for the couples to meet. Add to this, her Pluto is also involved in this connection, whenever Pluto touches Venus, he brings an intensely obsessive passionate love. Love that should be expressed with an absolute honesty without any manipulation and i feel this is where most couples with Venus-Pluto fail.... Also Venus-Pluto conjunction is easier to handle than the harsher aspects.

So one of the major themes in your relationship would be the sexual conjunction you are taking to her seventh house... With your Venus and Mars(wide conjunction) touching her Pluto, this obsessive love would take on the qualities where you would express it in a certain way where you could of of use to her...Her Pluto touching your Leo Mars would give the attention and intense love that you may need...I will have to tell you that Pluto-Mars is a very highly sexual aspect, this is all about high energy, tension, control and dominance. This aspect as such needs a 'physical release', imo and if you guys could get this excess energy off in the bedroom, it would lead to some of the greatest sex imaginable esp with Mars in the 6th being very service oriented.

Again this Venus-Pluto/Mars stellium receives a lovely trine from your fifth ruler Moon and Asc ruler Neptune, it adds an element of nurturing unconditional love... The outer person would be very protective of you!

The synastry has some truly beautiful aspects that I love to see, I love aspects between personal planets and we don't get to see that many here. Your synastry has it tho... Sun-Sun,sun-moon, Venus-Mars, moon-Mars aspects would bring emotional attachment, sexual chemistry and an easy to get along feeling around each other.

You have a chart that shows, through your career you could meet someone special or you could actually advance your status or you may move ahead in life through your partnerships/relationships and you would actually do well in relationships with your Sun in seventh.

Again, the synastry shows some very potent attraction and a relationship where you could could align your life together. Your IC and Desc ruler Mercury and Vertex are sitting on her relationship ruler Sun! It is like you could build a home around this person... It feels natural to be around her, she would bring you happiness and great benefits and u could show your vulnerabilities to her based on this aspect.

Her 2R Neptune on Jupiter conjuncting your 8R Pluto makes me think you could benefit from this relationship.... You could also learn from her and if she can teach you anything beneficial, it will be of great help either career wise or to improve your position in the society. Or it can be something that will help you progress in this soul journey.

The lack of aspects to Saturn worries me a lot. Whenever Saturn isn't touched in synastry, there could be some strong transits that could have brought the couple together. Unaspected Saturn is like a wild card entry.... You could never predict. But do keep an eye on your Saturn- Uranus conjunction, if Saturn tries to control or shame Uranus into submission, it would backfire for Saturn... A little bit of space never killed a couple. The Uranus person is you, so if you need freedom or feel she is being too controlling or demanding, you may have to speak up and let her know. There are some very good angle rulers to angle rulers aspects that would help you to have a similar path in life...

Overall synastry looks great for intense sexual relationship, nurturing love and growth but I can't assure you it would lead to a committed relationship. There is also scope to heal through love....

click to expand
@Blue_Froggie - I love this! Thank you so much. I like the way you focus on aspects different from what I've seen on other sites. Very interesting!

I have a question about when you mentioned my Leo mars though- my mars is actually virgo, but my venus is leo. How would that change the interpretation you gave? Or, did you just mean that my virgo mars is in the house of leo in my chart?

Also, since I have a venus-mars wide conjuction in my own natal chart touching her pluto, as you mentioned, do you think the effect would be mild since the conjunction is wide, or do you think it would still be felt pretty strongly? What makes for a wide aspect, anyway? In your opinion, how many degrees apart does an aspect have to be to be considered wide (as opposed to close)?

Posted by Blue_Froggie
Hey I wanna copy my reading to my dxp synastry thread... I lost all my readings when I deleted my account. I'm trying to have them all in my own thread. Of course you can say no... Lol
@Blue_Froggie- sure, you can post this reading to your thread. I don't mind. :-)
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by HappyLoveDreams2017
@Blue_Froggie, here you go:

Person 1 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Person 2 natal chart-

User Submitted Image

Synastry chart between us:

User Submitted Image

Hey, maybe I finally figured out how this image-sharing thing works! :-)

Let me know if this is good and if you need me to change anything. Thanks again for your kindness and patience.

Hi! Sorry I couldn't read it earlier....

There are some beautiful aspects... Your Venus on her Vertex would be something that's meant to happen for you to fall in love, some have said that it felt like everything happened just for the couples to meet. Add to this, her Pluto is also involved in this connection, whenever Pluto touches Venus, he brings an intensely obsessive passionate love. Love that should be expressed with an absolute honesty without any manipulation and i feel this is where most couples with Venus-Pluto fail.... Also Venus-Pluto conjunction is easier to handle than the harsher aspects.

So one of the major themes in your relationship would be the sexual conjunction you are taking to her seventh house... With your Venus and Mars(wide conjunction) touching her Pluto, this obsessive love would take on the qualities where you would express it in a certain way where you could of of use to her...Her Pluto touching your Leo Mars would give the attention and intense love that you may need...I will have to tell you that Pluto-Mars is a very highly sexual aspect, this is all about high energy, tension, control and dominance. This aspect as such needs a 'physical release', imo and if you guys could get this excess energy off in the bedroom, it would lead to some of the greatest sex imaginable esp with Mars in the 6th being very service oriented.

Again this Venus-Pluto/Mars stellium receives a lovely trine from your fifth ruler Moon and Asc ruler Neptune, it adds an element of nurturing unconditional love... The outer person would be very protective of you!

The synastry has some truly beautiful aspects that I love to see, I love aspects between personal planets and we don't get to see that many here. Your synastry has it tho... Sun-Sun,sun-moon, Venus-Mars, moon-Mars aspects would bring emotional attachment, sexual chemistry and an easy to get along feeling around each other.

You have a chart that shows, through your career you could meet someone special or you could actually advance your status or you may move ahead in life through your partnerships/relationships and you would actually do well in relationships with your Sun in seventh.

Again, the synastry shows some very potent attraction and a relationship where you could could align your life together. Your IC and Desc ruler Mercury and Vertex are sitting on her relationship ruler Sun! It is like you could build a home around this person... It feels natural to be around her, she would bring you happiness and great benefits and u could show your vulnerabilities to her based on this aspect.

Her 2R Neptune on Jupiter conjuncting your 8R Pluto makes me think you could benefit from this relationship.... You could also learn from her and if she can teach you anything beneficial, it will be of great help either career wise or to improve your position in the society. Or it can be something that will help you progress in this soul journey.

The lack of aspects to Saturn worries me a lot. Whenever Saturn isn't touched in synastry, there could be some strong transits that could have brought the couple together. Unaspected Saturn is like a wild card entry.... You could never predict. But do keep an eye on your Saturn- Uranus conjunction, if Saturn tries to control or shame Uranus into submission, it would backfire for Saturn... A little bit of space never killed a couple. The Uranus person is you, so if you need freedom or feel she is being too controlling or demanding, you may have to speak up and let her know. There are some very good angle rulers to angle rulers aspects that would help you to have a similar path in life...

Overall synastry looks great for intense sexual relationship, nurturing love and growth but I can't assure you it would lead to a committed relationship. There is also scope to heal through love....

@Blue_Froggie - I love this! Thank you so much. I like the way you focus on aspects different from what I've seen on other sites. Very interesting!

I have a question about when you mentioned my Leo mars though- my mars is actually virgo, but my venus is leo. How would that change the interpretation you gave? Or, did you just mean that my virgo mars is in the house of leo in my chart?

Also, since I have a venus-mars wide conjuction in my own natal chart touching her pluto, as you mentioned, do you think the effect would be mild since the conjunction is wide, or do you think it would still be felt pretty strongly? What makes for a wide aspect, anyway? In your opinion, how many degrees apart does an aspect have to be to be considered wide (as opposed to close)?

Oh no I got that Mars in Leo wrong...My bad. I have been messing up here and there these two days Angry I should do this only when I feel great!

Your Venus-Mars is activated by his Pluto and the trine in synastry. It is a valid conjunction of concentrated energy... It is a strong energy point in your synastry... I work with Max 6° orb for conjunctions.... Anything a bit more can be valid depending on the planets...

And yeah my readings are different, I keep hearing that. I work more with the entire.picture than look at it aspect wise or separate them into bits. I do separate parts of the charts but I try to bring them together to get at the big picture. If that makes sense?

And thank you.... I will add this reading to my thread

All the best to you guys ?

click to expand

Yeah, your reading style makes a lot of sense, because the way you look at the aspects and explain them in terms of the big picture is very logical for the way everything works together.

Thanks again, and thank you for the well-wishes for our relationship!


I hope you are feeling much better.