scorpio man and capricorn girl

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by ldj on Sunday, February 4, 2018 and has 7 replies.

I am new here, and need some help with this weird on and off "relationship" I have had with a scorpio man for more than 10 years. We can't seem to stay away from each other, but can't make anything happen either.

Can anybody help me get some clarity on this?

Here are parts of our charts:

Me: (Birthday is January 19 1985)

Sun in Capricorn

Ascendant in Cancer

Venus in Pisces

Mars in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn

Mercury in Capricorn

Saturn in Scorpio

Pluto in Scorpio

His: (Birthday is nov 2 1986 - don't know the time)

Sun in Scorpio

Venus in Scorpio

Mars in Aquarius

Moon in Scorpio

Mercury in Scorpio

Saturn in Sagittarius

Pluto in Scorpio

Thanks in advance!!!
Maybe because you are a cappy who is stable and loyal he is thinking that you are going nowhere. I think you will have to ask him if he wants something to happen. Straight out! no buttering! but politely. I hope it helps.
Posted by awakening
Maybe because you are a cappy who is stable and loyal he is thinking that you are going nowhere. I think you will have to ask him if he wants something to happen. Straight out! no buttering! but politely. I hope it helps.
Thank you. Tried that several times. At one point we both confessed feelings, but something happened and I think he got scared. I feel a very strong connection, and I was sure he did too.
Posted by DeadInside
that thread is underrated

a capricorn sun and moon with a scorpio sun and moon
Hi DeadInside,

Can you elaborate? I am very new to astrology and want to know what it all means? Is it good or bad with a cap sun and moon and a scorp sun and moon? Thank you smile
Posted by Koniuchaa
You either need to end it for good, or accept the on and off forever
Hi Koniuchaa,

I know that! I actually ended it now. But I am here to understand, why I felt such a strong connection to this man. Maybe astrology holds some answers? If anyone can interpret anything from our charts or do a reading I would appreciate it very much. Maybe it is something in my chart, that make me so stubborn to let go. I am curious about it all.

Thank you in advance.
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by ldj
Posted by Koniuchaa
You either need to end it for good, or accept the on and off forever
Hi Koniuchaa,

I know that! I actually ended it now. But I am here to understand, why I felt such a strong connection to this man. Maybe astrology holds some answers? If anyone can interpret anything from our charts or do a reading I would appreciate it very much. Maybe it is something in my chart, that make me so stubborn to let go. I am curious about it all.

Thank you in advance.
Need a circle synastry chart to be able to read anything. A list of placements doesn’t say much really
click to expand
Okay, how do I get a circle synastry chart? Sorry for all the stupid questions. I don't really know anything about astro charts. But I would like to learn?

Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by ldj
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by ldj
Posted by Koniuchaa
You either need to end it for good, or accept the on and off forever
Hi Koniuchaa,

I know that! I actually ended it now. But I am here to understand, why I felt such a strong connection to this man. Maybe astrology holds some answers? If anyone can interpret anything from our charts or do a reading I would appreciate it very much. Maybe it is something in my chart, that make me so stubborn to let go. I am curious about it all.

Thank you in advance.
Need a circle synastry chart to be able to read anything. A list of placements doesn’t say much really
Okay, how do I get a circle synastry chart? Sorry for all the stupid questions. I don't really know anything about astro charts. But I would like to learn?
click to expand
Thank you. I will try and explore that!