Posted by awakeningThank you. Tried that several times. At one point we both confessed feelings, but something happened and I think he got scared. I feel a very strong connection, and I was sure he did too.
Maybe because you are a cappy who is stable and loyal he is thinking that you are going nowhere. I think you will have to ask him if he wants something to happen. Straight out! no buttering! but politely. I hope it helps.
Posted by DeadInsideHi DeadInside,
that thread is underrated
a capricorn sun and moon with a scorpio sun and moon
Posted by KoniuchaaHi Koniuchaa,
You either need to end it for good, or accept the on and off forever
Posted by KoniuchaaOkay, how do I get a circle synastry chart? Sorry for all the stupid questions. I don't really know anything about astro charts. But I would like to learn?Posted by ldjNeed a circle synastry chart to be able to read anything. A list of placements doesn’t say much reallyPosted by KoniuchaaHi Koniuchaa,
You either need to end it for good, or accept the on and off forever
I know that! I actually ended it now. But I am here to understand, why I felt such a strong connection to this man. Maybe astrology holds some answers? If anyone can interpret anything from our charts or do a reading I would appreciate it very much. Maybe it is something in my chart, that make me so stubborn to let go. I am curious about it all.
Thank you in to expand
Posted by KoniuchaaThank you. I will try and explore that!Posted by ldjAstro.comPosted by KoniuchaaOkay, how do I get a circle synastry chart? Sorry for all the stupid questions. I don't really know anything about astro charts. But I would like to learn?Posted by ldjNeed a circle synastry chart to be able to read anything. A list of placements doesn’t say much reallyPosted by KoniuchaaHi Koniuchaa,
You either need to end it for good, or accept the on and off forever
I know that! I actually ended it now. But I am here to understand, why I felt such a strong connection to this man. Maybe astrology holds some answers? If anyone can interpret anything from our charts or do a reading I would appreciate it very much. Maybe it is something in my chart, that make me so stubborn to let go. I am curious about it all.
Thank you in to expand