Uhmm Okay I,m new at this and want to learn

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by lblibra on Monday, August 27, 2012 and has 8 replies.
well I looked this uip and I,m reading a bit about it but could someone please explain some of this to me please What does this apparently say about me. I,d appreciate any feedback

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Libra 4.53 Ascendant Leo 2.30
Moon Taurus 25.15 II Leo 21.59
Mercury Scorpio 0.45 III Virgo 15.59
Venus Virgo 5.36 IV Libra 16.42
Mars Libra 27.36 V Scorpio 23.50
Jupiter Capricorn 27.21 VI Capricorn 0.58
Saturn Capricorn 23.14 VII Aquarius 2.30
Uranus Leo 28.31 VIII Aquarius 21.59
Neptune Scorpio 9.46 IX Pisces 15.59
Pluto Virgo 8.47 Midheaven Aries 16.42
Lilith Leo 26.34 XI Taurus 23.50
Asc node Leo 26.32 XII Cancer 0.58

Sun in III
Moon in XI
Mercury in IV
Venus in II
Mars in IV
Jupiter in VI
Saturn in VI
Uranus in II
Neptune in IV
Pluto in II
Lilith in II
Asc node in II
User Submitted Image
earthy ?? okay not sure exactly what that means but I,ll go to that link and ask .

checks finger nails for dirt
what a long read.wheeeew. That chart definately has some contradictions and maybe in my younger years I was full of piss and vinegar but my very angry days are long gone I've severely mellowed except when I'm personally attacked or my friends or family then watch out I can be ruthless. Probably not that much different then most people. All in all it's fairly accurate. I must say I do enjoy work and am picky on frindships.. I love a good conversation and the opposite sex what can I say I've stayed away from them for a while since my last relationship but it's time to get back in shape and give it a go again. I can talk about anything too the pisces girl at work. omg the stuff we talk about could get us both fired. I'm glad shes got someone or I'd be in trouble lol. My writing style isn't fancy nor do I use complicated language I'm plain and simple in my communications I prefer it that way. Why make life so complicated ? anyways although at times I do use words that I have to explain to some people. Uggg to people who have little education and or life skills. And to know it alls I have little use for them. In the scale of things I know very little but I'm still learning as much as I can even at 50 years of age .. The day I stop learning about people, situations , life , or whatever is the day I'm dead.

Thanks for the link I appreciate it That sites alot better then what I've found so far on the internet
well the last time i threw a tantrum was oh 20 years ago when I caught a old flame cheating on me with her ex hubby Obviousely at the time they weren't over each other. I've mellowed alot now I very rarely get angry and if I do it's for a very good reason and doesn't last long and thats even if I show it.
I don't yell and scream like a madman, That I've never done. I don't like dark places I,d rather laugh to be honest. easy come easy go yep thats about right for me. I don''t let anger get a hold of my emotions anymore I deal with issues now before it gets even close to that Unless someone seriousely threatens me or loved ones Then run and I mean run. I'll show you a ticked off ox libra then . Other then that I have very thick skin and my attitude in general is very good the last 10 to 15 years. stubborn Yes I can be if it's worth it to me
oh btw I was alot of things the chart mentioned in my younger days but life has taught me alot on how to deal with not only others but with myself and how I feel about things I do very much apreciate your inputes I know very little about this stuff other then what I,ve read
Posted by M
Right, and I should add that stubborn is more a "set in your ways/mindset". Would you consider yourself dogmatic?

No I,ll listen and make up mind I am wrong at times and guess what I have even been known to apologize for being so
and I don't spout off about what I know I'm actually a fairly quiet person in a conversation.I,ll voice my opion thats for sure but I,ll listen to others too and sometimes mine just might change a bit I'm definately always learning or trying too anyways