For a limited time offer, and a 60% discount, of a 3 monthly payments of $29.99, I can get you the best times of when the hell you can contact the Taurus of your dreams. As a Taurus myself, I know we can be a little tricky like that the Run DMC song, but
I actually love Scorpios.
In re of Scorpio moons... is everything so black and white for them? And do they forgive eventually or just cut ties?
My ex is a Virgo sun and Scorpio moon
I’m a Pisces sun and Virgo moon
She wanted to break things off but still
Hey ...
I try keep IT short
So i Meer that Taurus Women ...we was ..looking eatchother !
WE saw us at Work ...she works ..Sometimes at the Same company
She was checking me out ...very slow ..
So she ask about my Nummer ...very sweet
So she contact me
I’ve been training for a few weeks at a new job. My trainer has been passive aggressive/ lazy bish that literally doesn’t want to teach me anything. Culturally I’m taught that I should give a gift at the end of a teacher/student relationship. But my ego o
this is based on a population size of 5,280 people taken from insurance data gathered by a Virgo no-lifer from January- August (2019). last edited August 14, 2019. (changes may occur in the future coz life is a continuum).
People who couldn't make it: (
Before y'all ask, I will have chart specs by the weekend 😭
But what do we think of this? Is it pickiness? Indecision?
Generally speaking, how did this happen lmao
As (a tired) wingwoman of the year, I want to help my good pal get laid. What do the goo