Wood Dog

This topic was created in the Chinese Horoscopes forum by westside on Thursday, January 12, 2012 and has 3 replies.
Among the animal zodiac, Dog individuals are the most humanitarian. To the Chinese, Dogs represent justice and equality. These are the givers in life, prepared to sacrifice their own dreams, ambitions and desires for the sake of others, particularly for those they love. Fiercely loyal to those they love, Dogs are ever ready to jump to the defense of any member of their family or friends who is being attacked by either word or deed. They have a penchant for championing the underdog. Born with an innate sense of decency and a need for equilibrium in a chaotic world, Dogs strongly denounce injustice and wrongdoing, generously giving useful and effective advice to those around them. Their warmth, empathy and genuine interest in others win them many close friendships. Dogs inspire confidence in others, and the confidence is justified. They will always do their utmost for others, and their dedication can go to the point of sacrifice. Dog people deserve to be held in the highest esteem.
The Dog makes a faithful, honest and courageous friend, and has a deep sense of justice. These people tend to be both magnanimous and prosperous, yet they can also be dogged, guarded, and defensive. Because they genuinely feel they know best, they can sometimes appear bossy. They accomplish goals quickly, their successes the result of hard work and intelligence. But the Dog never really relaxes. Despite appearing calm and at rest, his heart and mind are always jumping.
The Dog is an introvert who rarely shows his feelings; when he does it's only because he thinks it is absolutely necessary. He's stubborn in the extreme and knows what he wants. Frequently cynical, he is feared for his sharp tongue and his acid and disagreeable remarks. He gives the impression of looking systematically for faults in everything he touches. This is because he is the world's biggest pessimist and expects nothing out of life.
With their forthright honesty and true moral integrity they soon become pillars of society, respected for their views and trusted by all who come to know them. Because they have the knack of gaining backing from important people, their careers are often brilliant. Dogs find it difficult to adapt to change, perhaps because they have a reputation for being innately pessimistic and expect the worst to happen. They have a tendency to become wistful and nostalgic about the past. Of all the animals in the Chinese Zodiac, Dogs are the least materialistic for they are unselfish-
individuals who care more about people than they do about money or success. It doesn't worry them to be without the material comforts. Even if they are in the money, their tastes are simple enough. But if by any chance they should suddenly and urgently need money, nobody is better equipped than them to get it!
The loyal Dog makes a splendid captain of industry, an active trade union leader, a priest, or an educator. but whatever his career, it will have in him a spokesman whose ideas will be profound and often original. Nations would do well to follow such champions, for under no other sign do we find united in the same person such uprightness, rectitude and passion for work allied to so little personal ambition.
The three phases of the life of the Dog are all marred by uncertainty: anxious childhood, difficult youth, middle-age defeatist before the work is to be done, and an old-age full of regrets for not having done enough.
It is said that a Dog born in daytime will be calmer and less anxious than one born during the night. It is at night that the dog's job is to guard the house -- and thus he will be eternally on the lookout, always on the alert, barking all the time to scare away intruders and finding no time to rest. For people born at night under this sign, it's a dog's life!
Under the influence of the element of Wood, he is enchanting, warm-hearted and even-tempered, who, despite his candor and wariness of strangers, will form close and lasting relationships with those he chooses to love. He is honest, considerate and well-liked, seeking intellectual stimulation, working hard to develop himself. He has an aptitude for dealing with large numbers of people from all walks of life, acting with maturity and common sense. He will be popular and is basically group oriented, eager to please as many of his friends and associates as possible. He may be unwilling to move ahead without the sanction and backing of others.
(see your type here http://www.metaphysicalzone.com/china/dog.shtml)
Hi. I was born in the Year of the Fire Rabbit but born in the hour of the Metal Dog. Some of the characteristics here match mine... and I'm a law student, btw... So yeah, I am indeed a champion of justice...