Posted by saggurl88i can see her being a sag
She HAS to be a SAG!!!
Posted by virgoOPPPI think haunting pisses me off the worst. I don’t understand why people do it.Posted by saggurl88
She HAS to be a SAG!!!
i can see her being a sag
anyway, i like love bombing
benching is forgivable
stashing/pocketing is just ewwclick to expand
Posted by Phangusi think people should be good sports
So, is this what people with no social skills do? Mimic real social behavior, but give everything a negative spin, a title, and a video?
Posted by Black-Mambai think that's similar to the 'slow fade'... right?
how about icing?
Posted by MrsElleCappysnatchclassic piscesPosted by MissKrabs
Lo found it
Mermaiding: bored after one day, went to the ocean and you never saw her again.
Zombieing: someone who ghosts you but breaks the silence after awhile, came back from the dead.
I read a different definition for mermaiding.....someone who dates you to get you to pay for stuff and then dumps you. 😂🤣click to expand
Posted by Black-Mambai'm too impatient and egotistic to be iced or simmered
My beautiful – actually quite stunning in precesense and mind – date reached out about five days after I left her a voicemail, saying she had gotten busy. A quick discussion with a buddy “in the know” led me to realize, I hadn’t been ghosted.
I’d been iced.
Icing isn’t the sweet stuff that you put on a cake; it’s when someone behaves very cool towards you. Responses come sporadically and will be more generic than specific. Trying to make plans will yield responses like “let me get back to you.”
You’re sweet and all…
Are you icing people? Stop. Really, not every guy or girl is a China Doll. It’s OK to play it like it is. Keep a good friend vs. just being a % $ .
Try this: So, here’s the thing: I like you. I like that you _____, and you would probably be great to be friends with.
Warning: If they agree that friendship is cool, make the next four or five – YES four or five – connections be in groups. Test that friendship is going to work. Constant advances aren’t OK. If that’s what it turns out to be, bail.
Feeling cool?
The good news with icing is that the other person is kinda into you. They do like you. Otherwise, they’d ghost. Chances are, they aren’t so sure. That’s worth a little bit of effort, right?
Icing is kind of weird. People do get busy. But, for me, if someone wants to spend time with you, they make the time. At very least, an “I wish I could see you, but I’m booked” text will fill the gap.
Dealing with icing takes a bit of commitment. Give yourself a strategy and stick to it. Flex if you have a reason other than “I really like them.”
My strategy is 2/4. I’ll reach out twice, four days apart. So, if I reach out to someone – phone, text, email – and they don’t respond in four days AND I really like them, I’ll call – note: call – them and ask a hard “when can we get together again?” But, that’s it. With icing, that second call is going to go to VM. If they do answer, chances are icing isn’t what’s going on – something else is.
If that second call is met with something other than a “let’s get together x,” I’m out. Yeah, doing simple math, I give people eight days to show me their interested. If they can’t show some sign of interest in eight days, they really aren’t interested.
… and sometimes, they do show a sign.
This is the worst of the worst. Simmering is literally popping something on the back burner. You’re that something. You’re the other person’s plan B.
They’re looking for x and they might settle for you.
No one wants to be settled for, right?
If you’re a simmerer, just say you’re not interested. Maybe you kind of are, but do everyone a favor, just say you’re not. See, if you’re not interested, you can become interested. But, if you simmer someone, you’re just a $ #&% .
Even if you think you have good intentions, you’re being a $ #&% .
Don’t simmer. Please?
Losing steam?
When you’re being simmered, you have to be the strong one. That puts you in the awful position of having to bail on someone you actually like.
But, here’s the thing: you’re only around for their ego. Even if things would escalate to a relationship, chances are, you’re only arm candy for their ego. Like, brain-candy.
Don’t tell the simmerer, but the reality is quite simple: they’re just not ready for an adult relationship. In an adult relationship, you like someone and you want to give it a shot… or you’re not willing to give it a shot. Simmerers just aren’t willing to give it a shot.
Posted by WaterRoosterme too
I’m exhausted just reading all this
Posted by Hell
Then we have the robot.
Posted by Black-MambaIt makes me sad. It can be so confusing when these types of things happen this way, but I'm glad there are people who can figure it out and give others some relief.Posted by saggurl88
She HAS to be a SAG!!!
Great to expand
Posted by virgoOPPPNo love bug, it's the opposite for me because when I'm attracted to their looks, they get away with murder!
@saggurl88 do you notice less attractive guys play more games? (those considered not conventionally attractive or even ugly)?