Posted by MyStarsShinewooo hoo
You’re gonna get rich from owning a restaurant 😂
Posted by Textosmoonfast money or breakfast?
fast ,money is on your mind?
Posted by virgoOPPPfast money /get rich quick moneyPosted by Textosmoon
fast ,money is on your mind?
fast money or breakfast?click to expand
Posted by Textosmoonthere's a food business i can't get off the ground coz of annoying paperworkPosted by virgoOPPPPosted by Textosmoon
fast ,money is on your mind?
fast money or breakfast?
click to expand
fast money /get rich quick moneyclick to expand
Posted by virgoOPPPsounds goodPosted by TextosmoonPosted by virgoOPPPPosted by Textosmoon
fast ,money is on your mind?
fast money or breakfast?
click to expand
fast money /get rich quick money
there's a food business i can't get off the ground coz of annoying paperwork
and there's also an object i absolutely wanna sell off coz i believe it carries very bad luck but is way too expensive to just throw away so might as well profit and turn it into some good luckclick to expand
Posted by june_rthey were paying coins for some of the 'money food' so basically i was dishing more than what i was actually getting back which felt confusing but I just kept frying them up. i think they were fried without there being a thought about how much they are coz big bills were paid the same amount. like doesn't matter if it's $ 20 or $ 100 it'll be fried all the same.
What are they giving you in return? that would be the most important thing here I believe. Also the usual questions when it comes to dream interpretation.. your feelings, you never mentioned how you felt at all.
You are giving money away which could mean generosity. All covered and gross (eww deep fried) and people order them as is it was real food (do you see them eating it?).., it could symbolize deception. Maybe that you are generous with money but have expectations to manipulate people by being so, probably to get whatever else is missing in the dream.
Posted by june_r😆😆 oh i'd be very bad at it
Oh, is not fully covered. Maybe you see yourself as a shit manipulator because you are considerate enough.
Posted by virgoOPPPPosted by june_r
What are they giving you in return? that would be the most important thing here I believe. Also the usual questions when it comes to dream interpretation.. your feelings, you never mentioned how you felt at all.
You are giving money away which could mean generosity. All covered and gross (eww deep fried) and people order them as is it was real food (do you see them eating it?).., it could symbolize deception. Maybe that you are generous with money but have expectations to manipulate people by being so, probably to get whatever else is missing in the dream.
they were paying coins for some of the 'money food' so basically i was dishing more than what i was actually getting back which felt confusing but I just kept frying them up. i think they were fried without there being a thought about how much they are coz big bills were paid the same amount. like doesn't matter if it's $ 20 or $ 100 it'll be fried all the to expand
Posted by virgoOPPPThere you go then, the absurd dream turns self-explanatory.Posted by june_r
Oh, is not fully covered. Maybe you see yourself as a shit manipulator because you are considerate enough.
😆😆 oh i'd be very bad at it
but if it's about giving money, i can be grossly generous BUT I do hate lending money to people that I know for a fact dislikes me (like my Libra uncle who mooches off my dad when he was still alive) or anyone literally who just uses me for money which i've been very good at recognizing.
tho i have to say i've only recently started living with my in laws and feel heavily obligated (tho my husband feels it's unnecessary) that we give some money to his parents every month. i find it extremely embarrassing to exist under this roof without dishing out some sort of compensation even if they ARE family. I just don't like owing people.
but maybe it's just my insecurity about his mom liking me enough 🤷🤷click to expand
Posted by IceStorm😆😆
I thought my dreams were bizarre 🤣🤣🤣
Posted by IceStormwhat was your weirdest one?Posted by virgoOPPPPosted by IceStorm
I thought my dreams were bizarre 🤣🤣🤣
i had one where I ran excitedly holding a needle at someone and then my fave dog somehow ran and jumped into it and well he died from that small pinprick.
but a few weeks ago he did actually dieI think I've shared that dream here not too long ago let me dig that one up 🤔🤔
Awww, I’m sorry about your dog.
Thankfully none of my dreams ever come true so I just laugh at them and don’t have to take them too seriously. Sometimes I wake up in relief that it wasn’t real if it’s a scary one, other times I just wake up like what in thee actual fuck was that about?! 😂🤣😂😂😂
click to expand
Posted by IceStormI'm sorry about your mom.Posted by virgoOPPPPosted by IceStormPosted by virgoOPPPPosted by IceStorm
I thought my dreams were bizarre 🤣🤣🤣
i had one where I ran excitedly holding a needle at someone and then my fave dog somehow ran and jumped into it and well he died from that small pinprick.
but a few weeks ago he did actually dieI think I've shared that dream here not too long ago let me dig that one up 🤔🤔
Awww, I’m sorry about your dog.
Thankfully none of my dreams ever come true so I just laugh at them and don’t have to take them too seriously. Sometimes I wake up in relief that it wasn’t real if it’s a scary one, other times I just wake up like what in thee actual fuck was that about?! 😂🤣😂😂😂
what was your weirdest one?
There are toooo many to name, and my short term memory isn’t that great so I usually forget most of the details after some time. But I remember in one dream Mariah Carey was trying to woo my boyfriend by singing to him, like she was trying to get him to leave me by singing to him (?) 😂🤣😂 and there were more details to that dream but it was so many years ago I don’t remember all the details I just remember it was hilarious. Then there was another dream we were having this party in an RV but it looked more like a spaceship with flashing lights… just weird random shit that makes absolutely no sense. Lmao
As far as the traumatic /scary dreams that I’ve had.. back in like 2003 I had a dream that my sisters abusive ex husband split her head open with an axe right in front of me and I tried to lunge forward to stop it but was moving in slow motion. There was sickening noise, first the crack, then a sick slopping noise as the contents spilled out. I woke up screaming and crying, my other sister called the sister (who was in the dream) because I needed to hear her voice to confirm that she was ok. She is alive and well to this day.. she split from that ex like 10 years ago with no issues.
Then I had another dream when my mom was still alive, that she was laying in bed and there was a window right above the head of the bed. And someone came through the window with a huge rock and bludgeoned her. I don’t know why I used to have these terrible dreams… they were horrifying though. My mom passed in 2009 but she died of heart failure…
Thankfully I don’t have violent, scary dreams like that anymore but I also don’t watch horror or violent movies which most likely helps reduce those types of dreams because I guard my to expand
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