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Dec 31, 2016Comments: 68 · Posts: 523 · Topics: 63
I dreamed last night that I walked pass a room in my house or maybe the family members home and seen my family members boyfriend in the bed with several men when I passed by the first time I was like am I tripping is he in the bed layed up with men and then it looked like he was just getting up. When I passed by the room again he was wearing orange spandex like swimming undies but the underwear for men and I think the other could of had on green. But anyway as I passed by he had the one with green undies bent over as he had anal sex with him while standing over the guy similar to the piledriver. And I instantly got mad and started cussing then was saying u know what forget about it and started going off again saying I can't wait until I leave but funny thing is the family member is moving and it may be with this guy. I remember going off saying why would he do that with the door open I have my daughter here and then my family member whose boyfriend it is and angry as she always is said so u laughing at us I don't remember laughing but if I was it would only be because I know what God has for me and know that it won't be long until he takes me to my next level and I won't have to deal with them anymore. In my opinion the guy is hiding something but it shocked me that the dream described him as gay when he acts like this mocho man and gangster type guy and sometimes those be the ones. He is currently staying with his aunt. & him being a Sagittarius man the ones I've known can never have stability or a place of there own and always living with someone or moochin off somebody or always having a room mate. I've even suspected an old acquaintance of mine being gay who was a kappa in a fraternity who turned out to be a pedophile in my eyes when I got older and he was a sag who always had a room mate. He would always talk to young girls and I was one of them but anyway. That's how the dream was so can anyone interpret the dream. I remember also awhile back she sent a group message with hearts and stuff which she has never did and included him so of course I responded and I was like you gay or something like that and he gets offended and responds ain't nothing gay about me and my uncle checks the nigga in the group message and calls him by his phone number because we wasn't sure who the other person was in the group message and he never texted anything back and ever since then he has never came back around the family and she has been on and off with the guy and they are an older couple probably in the 40's. The guy is also suspected of being an acholic like my sag cousin just a vagabond. Before I suspected he was a drunk I felt like he reminded me of my drunk cousin & then wam he has to go to the store every 15min to an hour or whenever it wears off to get more. But I feel like substance abuse 9 times out of 10 stem from something. Could it be his stem from possibly being raped? Have any sags been subjected to rape before?