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Aug 02, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 109 · Topics: 16
Over the weekend I had 2 very vivid dreams about an ex.
On Saturday night I dreamed that my ex was sleeping with this woman and he was having trouble getting hard. So the woman was upset with him yelling, u little d@, u cant even stay hard. Before this he was looking at my picture.
Then last night I dreamed that he called me, but I didn't see his number on my recent calls list on my cell phone, he had called my job "he never calls me at work", then it switched to him coming to my house, he rang the door bell and we were sitting in my room, I was eating and he turned his head watching TV, so I said " oh im sorry would u like some food". But then I woke up.
He has been on my mind a lot lately and we just broke up. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something?
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Aug 02, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 109 · Topics: 16
I do miss him, I figured as much. Thanks for your post.