dreams that come 1

This topic was created in the Dreams forum by Illmatic on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 and has 5 replies.
ok this started a few years ago when i dreamt about a gem girl before i dated her
the dream indicated the relationship went sour
and it did go sour

a few days ago i was dreaming of a scorp and lo and behold i saw her today
since i had a spare i convinced her to skip class since there was substitute teacher
since she wasnt going home anytime soon i asked her go chill for a while
and we went out for coffee
i offered to buy her one but she said not to
i didnt bother to press her on becasue i didnt want to seem eager to please
so we talked about our family and stuff and for the first time i got to talk to her for more than 10 minutes and without other people around

but prior to today i was dreaming i was in love with this beautiful girl and all i knew was that she was a scorp........
....then he phone rang and leo guy asked me to go take a heircut with him,loser, i said no and tried to get back to sleep but to no avail

no im wondering if this was dream come true or a premonition
i also mistaked this girl for a cap but she said she was born november 4th
now the other problem is that a cancer girl told me she had a bf
and my mind is made to pursue her and ask if she has a bf and if that happens to just keep her as a friend

when it coms to my lovelife my dreams dont lie but because of stupid leo i never got to see this dream unfold.

My boyfriend has preminition dreams, but they only have to do with video games.
I have been doing something and new that I have dreamed the same thing before it happened.
lol,you just don't have any luck in the "single" girl department!
Either way,good luck if things take a turn for the good with you twosmile
"lol,you just don't have any luck in the "single" girl department!
Either way,good luck if things take a turn for the good with you two"
i know sad huh
and it not the old i have boyfriend excuse to get away from from
they really have BFs