Fish Everywhere

This topic was created in the Dreams forum by Esther07 on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 and has 4 replies.
I had a dream that I kept my ex-boyfriend's fish and tank for him. When you looked into the top of the fish tank you could not see the water because the tank was overflowing with tiny fish. Two of the fish jumped out of the tank while I was on the phone talking with him. I told him about it and he said not to worry then the fish "flew" off the floor and back into the tank where they became smaller like the fish inside the tank. Another one jumped out and a cat came by and took it away before it could fly back into the tank. Any one want to take a stab at what this dream could mean?
I am familiar with the fish equals pregnancy theory however I am not sure if this dream foretells my own pregnancy or someone else's pregnancy.
ur ex-b/f has a child on da way.
What part of the dream gave you that clue?