got slapped in my dream..

This topic was created in the Dreams forum by xxixxi on Saturday, February 15, 2014 and has 5 replies.
so I had two dreams in row which had people I know in rl.. :o
and last night's one was..
I was talking to my friend (a guy) and I suddenly felt an urge to kiss him (wtf? lol)
and I went ahead with the urge..
then the guy was really taken aback, and slapped me across the face..
I was shocked (but then I'm pretty sure he was shocked as well..)
it was also in front of other people.. about 10 to 15 people..
okay..this is the first time I got slapped in my dream (I've had dreams in which I slapped the other person though..)

I guess I'm stressed out..this must be the reason.. Sad
in fact, I kept waking up every hour.. went to bed around 3:30am then got up around 4:30, then 5:30..then 6:30.. then at 7:00.. and eventually at 8:30..
I feel awkward.. :s ..guess now I'm going to play the piano for a while.. :s
annnnndddddddddd surprisingly.. this friend of mine was super extra nice to me today.. :o
I don't know..what.. maybe..bad dreams are good, in fact..?
Posted by xxixxi
so I had two dreams in row which had people I know in rl.. :o
and last night's one was..
I was talking to my friend (a guy) and I suddenly felt an urge to kiss him (wtf? lol)
and I went ahead with the urge..
then the guy was really taken aback, and slapped me across the face..
I was shocked (but then I'm pretty sure he was shocked as well..)
it was also in front of other people.. about 10 to 15 people..
okay..this is the first time I got slapped in my dream (I've had dreams in which I slapped the other person though..)

I guess I'm stressed out..this must be the reason.. Sad
in fact, I kept waking up every hour.. went to bed around 3:30am then got up around 4:30, then 5:30..then 6:30.. then at 7:00.. and eventually at 8:30..
I feel awkward.. :s ..guess now I'm going to play the piano for a while.. :s

bol laugh out loud...can you imagine if that happened in real life...what man would be stupid enough to slap a woman that just kissed
why did you keep going back to sleep..where you trying to go back in the dream? lol
Posted by aquariuslove14
why did you keep going back to sleep..where you trying to go back in the dream? lol

because I was sleepy & tired! lol .. and I needed some good sleep.. smile