I had a dream...and it happened the very next day.

This topic was created in the Dreams forum by anoxy on Monday, April 21, 2008 and has 4 replies.
Has this ever happened to you? Often times I'll have a dream containing people, places, events, symbols, even feelings and specific moments. Then the next day...I'll awake, recalling my dreams. Later during my day specific symbols, people, images, places, things will occur that are too identical to the dream I had the night before to be mere coincidences. I've even had a dream that came true weeks after I had it.
I had a dream that I got laid , and the next day yep it happened strange.

whoah. Yeah pivot point for sure... I've had more than I can count of dreams that met with reality simaltaneously in more than a few specific ways. down to specific individuals, places, and items of clothing, and MORE its crazy.
Im Aries Tongue
Hahaha that's funny James Tate, i've had dreams that came true of a similar nature as well. Was your dream and then reality specifically related? or did you desire to get laid, have a dream about it, and then succeed in manifesting it through sheer luck?
I think it has something to do with the fact that she lays me quite offten.

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