I had one the other nite...it was very odd...it seemed like a very long dream, and i was walking around in a supermarket and pushing a cart, but there was nothing in the cart. The shelves were full of products, of different shapes sizes but they were all just plain white whith no words or discriptions or colors on them. I kept shopping looking at all these white objects, examining them and putting them back. I never put anything in my cart...just kept shopping for what seemed like 30 isles. Now what the heck could that mean? Im really curious cuz i never remember any of my dreams...I know we all dream, but I might remember 1 dream a year..seriously.
hey simply me thank you so much for your response....
I have been in a very odd mood lately. Alot of what you posted makes sense, I need something, I want something, but its not quite happening. The thing that makes this unusual for me is that I never feel this "out of control" or "helpless" i always have it together...and lately I just don't... thanks again...