With everything else being good, what are my chances with a taurus guy, if I'm not giving him any sex??? Or at least not any time soon?
HI-LOW!! VE, and it's kinda dark in here, but definetly likable to the nth degree!! Hey um, scorp ladies question; when a Virguy show his emotions, and expresses himself to you, after you plead with him for keeping his distance/reserve do you get all reta
Does anyone know of any websites that provide good free course on things. I've been browzing the net looking for information on the SAGE accounts package but there aren't any free tutorials or courses on it. So just wondering is there a site that provides
What a ing liar a Capman can be! That son of a bitch! That a-hole of all bricks! Such a scumbag! Capman.. Oh yeah, he is a big joke!
Do you think video games have an affect on a childs attention span?
My son is a Pisces and he is borderline AD/HD. His little waters are not running deep yet, they are flowing to fast for him to catch up.
Are there any fishies out there that can relate? What is the best way for my to handle him, besides durgs (I
"On Sept. 7, the former ninth planet was assigned the asteroid number 134340 by the Minor Planet Center (MPC), the official organization responsible for collecting data abou
My son is a Pisces with an Aries rising and moon in Cap. I have taken online tests and he seems to qualify for AD/HD, but I don't want to put him on drugs. As a mother, I am looking for 'other routes'. Any suggestions from those who know more about astrol
'Dead stingrays with their tails cut off have been found in Australia, sparking concern that fans of naturalist Steve Irwin may be avenging his death. Mr Irwin, a TV personality known as the "Crocodile Hunter", was killed while diving in Queensland when a