lucid dreaming

This topic was created in the Dreams forum by MoonshineLeo on Saturday, December 19, 2015 and has 3 replies.
i have been having some intense dreams this week, one i was flying over the ocean on a white dove bird, it was awesome! The next day i had a dream of being pregnant and i did not know what i was going to do about it and i woke up before i made a decision. these intense dreams leave me feeling very drained and i even had to sleep one full day this week to catch up.

Anyone know what these dreams mean or why i might be having them??
thanks (:
I've had lucid dreams before, it's hard to do because once I'm aware I'll wake up, there's been times when I've known and I've teetered on the edge of waking up but was able to go back in to it.

One time I was getting chased by a homless man and I actually had the conversation to myself "if I'm dreaming then I should be able to do this" and I made a tornado suck him up.

Another time was when I was drowning, and usually in dreams when I'm drowning in water iTs usually horrifying and I wake up taking a huge breath but this one time I was underwater I wasn't scared and I just took in a breath and realised Could breathe and that I must be dreaming.

I have this really weird dream it's not lucid dreaming I dont even know if it's dreaming, it's kind of like inception, I'm asleep in my bed with my eyes shut but I don't know that and I'm laying in bed looking around my room with my eyes open and I'll do this for a while then suddenly my real eyes open up and I realise I was just dreaming, that shit kind of scares me because it's like my eyes could open at anytime and i would have been dreaming.
I just looked it up the last dream that I mentioned and it's called a false,know when you hit the snooze button and go back to bed but you dream and in your dream your getting up ready for the day and having a shower and going to work only to realise once your eyes have opened that you were sleeping, goodnight guys I'm off to bed