New idea for TV show.....

This topic was created in the Dreams forum by jezzyboo21 on Thursday, February 13, 2020 and has 6 replies.
So I had this dream last night there was this murder house and some greasy fat guy was running it. But the twist was he was living with other killers! And they would all present their grisly horrors as gifts to each other. Also twist of twists these people were victims themselves! Because he kidnapped and groomed them!! So what do you guys think? Good for a story or just some weird messed up nightmare that should stay in the dark recess of my mind? BTW if anyone wants you can take it and do what you want with it.
Contact the writers of AHS. I feel like they are running out of storylines.

Last year was about jazzercise serial killers lol
Posted by Phantum

Yes, but there should be a plot twist at the end where just when he thinks he’s bested everyone his careful planning ends up causing his own grisly death. 💀

ooh thats a good one!
gotta leave some the endings unraveled in order for sequels to follow - most likely in this case all the other members of the house will disperse immediately and therein lies even more stories to follow up on …

Posted by notreally

gotta leave some the endings unraveled in order for sequels to follow - most likely in this case all the other members of the house will disperse immediately and therein lies even more stories to follow up on …

nah no sequels i would want it to be a contained universe. Sequels just suck all the fun and goodness of an initial series