Does anyone have Scorpio tendencies?
I feel so all over the place constantly, and my chart could be a large part of it. I'm not sure if this is just situatio
We started talking May 4th online, had our first date and met on June 3rd and we had sex for the first time June 22. He
What are you doing to pass the time? This is soo painful ugh. I feel so empty. How were you even able to move on after t
Might wanna fix that shit... Hadn't been on here in weeks because "internal service error" wanted to block my way down t
Let me start off by saying, I absolutely love Cancer men and sadly that seems to be my problem. My first love was a Canc
Mother of Perpetual Help - For Financial Aid Realizing, dear Mother Mary, that thou art our Perpetual Help not only
Particularly these placements? Him Gemini sun Scorpio Moon Gemini Mercury Gemini Venus Pisces Mars Her
Particularly these placements? Him Gemini sun Scorpio Moon Gemini Mercury Gemini Venus Pisces Mars Her
Is it a bad idea to hang out a lot with the girl or it will sounds too clingy ? because i really have fun and i don't