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Apr 13, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 295 · Topics: 32
Does anyone experience Sleep Paralysis? If so when did it start? Does it happen to you often and if so what have you done to cope with it?
I have been dealing with it since I was about 10 or 11 years old, it started around the time when my grandmother passed away (she raised me). I still have it sometimes but I can sometimes get a grip and control it. I read up on it a while back and I know it's technically a hallucination.
I tried to do a search on here for it but I didn't see any results, so I'm curious to see the responses.
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Apr 13, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 295 · Topics: 32
Hey guys,
Nope I'm not a Narcoleptic but I have had plenty of these dreams and tons of weird stories about them. Thats why they are technically hallucinations because you are technically awake but your body is paralyzed still. I was having a lot of trouble sleeping at the time, and I still get them but not nearly as often.
I've seen things on the wall before, its funny cause you know it's not really there but it still freaks you out. Once I was unable to move and of course wherever you are sleeping is the surroundings you see in your dream. I was pulled out of my window suddenly and when i woke up I was in the same place I was when I was paralyzed. Those are always scary, it's like falling, except someone has got their arms at your ankles and you are unable to move, talk, SCREAM! I hate it...
I had one recently which freaked me out even if I've had them for over 10 years now. It was one of those that don't happen to me AS often. That being I was alseep in the dream and I would think i woke up out of the dream but then I'd still be paralyzed. So i guess I'd fall back asleep in the dream and wake back up but my body won't get out of REM. So then the dream feels even more real because you brain thinks for a second... I'M AWAKE NOW! Except you aren't. Everything is still going on the way it was, whether there is someone in your house or you have a weird feeling in the air, someone touching you, whatever... but you thought you woke up. SCARY fucking shit!
Udgscorp - your dream sounds just about right, you usually feel like someone is holding you down, on wikipedia I'm sure you saw the artist depiction of sleep paralysis being a demon or some sort or gargoyle sitting on your chest.
Ms Pisces - Have you ever experienced it?
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Apr 13, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 295 · Topics: 32
I never got back to you on your post udg, sorry. I just remembered it today since I had another episode the other night. If I remember correctly you asked me what else I'd see? or was it if my eyes would twitch? My eyes never twitched, but it usually a very surreal experience. Can you refresh me on what you had asked?
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Apr 13, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 295 · Topics: 32
Shapes or objects... well more like things in my case. Usually I feel like my neck feels weird since I'm trying to move my head the most, and I'll see maybe a red light coming from somewhere, or a light switch on the wall next to me where it doesn't belong. It's weird really, and it always changes. I've never seen a spinning thing, but once I went from smoking a cigarette in a dream to sleep paralysis. First I'm in the car with a cigarette in my mouth, then I am in my bed and the cigarette is still there... but I can't move. I was really scared I was going to get burned.
Once I had a dream like that with a bee on my nose, so now I have a weird fear of bees that I never had before that night.
I delt with it overseas too, in Malta, at my grandmother's house. I think cause theres so many religious objects in my room over there that I thought I was getting possessed by the devil in my dream. I was trying to talk or pray and in this dream I could actually make some noise, but my words would sound warped and I tried to fight it, but it was too much.
Theres a couple weird ones, they are all scary, but I'm just used to them.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
This happens to me every once in a long while and its happened to me a few times this year which is a little unusual. As I understand it, its the mind waking up out of REM while the body stays "frozen" and unable to move in the body's REM state. You are aware of the room you're in as you sleep and 'seeing' definitely hearing everything going on around you, but not being able to wake up or get up. There's also a feeling of something evil or dangerous around you. You can sometimes feel chest pressure and have difficulty breathing.
To me at seems as though I'm dreaming I am exactly where I am, everything the same, so basically I THINK I'm awake, until I realize I cant move and then something freaky happens... in my cases a little girl suddenly appears screaming in my face and strangles me, a little boy standing by my bed yelling at me, a dark figure of a man hovering over me, little kids giggling around my bed, strange presences around me and heavy pressure on my chest or what feels like an arm slung across my body so i cant breathe. If I manage to open my eyes, it feels like they weigh a ton and they shut right away and the scary 'dream' picks up right where it left off, like these evil kids were waiting for me to shut my eyes again.
Oh my gawd it freaks me out.
I've been experiencing sleep paralysis I think as far back as when I was 8 or 9. This year I had a bad episode sometime in January and I was still with my ex then... I was sleeping in his room and was able to call him for half a second and fortunately he came and woke me up. As soon as I woke up I started crying. Yea I'm a big baby, what can I say, but it's so aweful and unnerving, it's hard for me not to get emotional. And ya Brookey... proper sleeping patterns and good health is really the only 'cure.' It's said to be linked to low levels of melatonin which you get from regular sleep. Melatonin plays a key part in nerve synapses and muscle movement. I eventually figured out that it only happens to me when I'm badly sleep deprived... going 4 or 5 days on 8 hrs of sleep total. What sucks more is that it happens when you really need sleep, but you know... who wants to go back to sleep after that.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
it just happened to me recently again... i started to fall into the sleep paralysis, thinking i was actually awake and then suddenly saw a little girl screaming in my face and about to get her hands around my throat to strangle me. it startled me so much that i was able to wake up out of the sleep paralysis pretty quickly... thank gawd.
i wonder why its so evil...
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Aug 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 800 · Topics: 31
"strange presences around me and heavy pressure on my chest or what feels like an arm slung across my body so i cant breathe. If I manage to open my eyes, it feels like they weigh a ton and they shut right away and the scary 'dream' picks up right where it left off, like these evil kids were waiting for me to shut my eyes again."
This has happened to me as well. The last time was a long time ago and I had already been awake and had breakfast.
I went back to bed and as soon as I closed my eyes I felt paralyzed and pressure over my head as if something was
trying to enter me. I resisted. I opened my eyes and it was gone. I stood up, thought it was weird. I laid back down
and the same thing happened, I let it go on more time. It happened a total of about 5 times.
During one of those times when I was resisting this pressure from entering my head I heard a childs angry yell
from what seemed.. inside my head.. and I believe I saw eyes flash. I finally just got up and didn't go back to
I have this happen to me every once in a while. Twice while I was awake like I described above.
A bit differently was the few times I felt as if though I had left my body. I don't want to say it really
happened but I seem to have heard conversations which hadn't yet taken place at least twice.
One of which really shocked my friend when I casually mentioned it to her. But the way I was
telling her is that I had things in my head such as conversations which I couldn't place a finger on,
like they were just THERE. I didn't feel like I had dreamt them and I didn't feel like I had heard them.
It just felt like SOMETHING IN MY HEAD, OUT OF NOWHERE. It was driving me nuts.
What I actually mentioned to my friend was a whole conversation that had apparently just
taken place between her and a friend of hers that morning. The detail shocked her.
The look on her face was :O before she yelled OMG.
So many instances like that. At least one other was also corroborated.
The reason I mentioned the above was because it seems that at times I may have
also experienced sleep paralysis... but mostly when I was convinced I was leaving my body.
One of the most vivid times was when me and my current boyfriend had the same dream
that night. I remember coming back to my body and seeing what looked like a ghost laying
next to me in bed. I couldn't move. I closed my eyes and let it happen. When I opened
them again I was awake.
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Aug 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 800 · Topics: 31
I had at least one other experience that was extremely vivid. I could feel myself lifting up and
out then I kept coming back throughout the night when I felt my body either uncomfortable
or cold to cover myself up.
Many other times I seem to be dreaming while I'm awake. But I think that is me opening my
eyes, looking at my room and watching my dreams kind of overlap.
One time I sat up and looked directly into my open closet and saw some very ugly
entity. I laid back down and closed my eyes.
I don't know what any one thing is anymore. My dreams have always been very vivid,
very wild and strange. Also very telling. I have phases where I dream the same
things in very different scenarios.. even what seems to be the same dreams
years apart.
Then I started controlling my dreams. I forgot what you call that... but I'm very good
at it now.
In my late teen years I started experiencing sleep paralysis.
After that I had a long phase where I had seemed to have heard things
that I could not place a finger on... this one is hard to believe I know.
But it's one of the strangest to happen to me. I still "hear" every now and again.
Then I could swear I leave my body! How else would I crash my bf's dream?!
I could write a book on this stuff so I'll stop here.
I think sleep paralysis can be experienced due to many different reasons...
We have connections to "things" that are not of the physical nature I'm sure.
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Oct 03, 2008Comments: 6 · Posts: 502 · Topics: 165
i just posted about the same kinda dreams
wow another one like me!!!
i just put a post up and then i noticed yours.
Yay i dont feel so messed up after all, but what the hell is going on???!!!
I have seen some things on you tube about it also.
Im glad someone is like me, its so hard to describe it to people who don't have it, my friends and family either dont believe me or think im going a bit nuts.
This used to happen to me a lot. Started when I was about 14 or 15. The last time before I got help it happened when my face was facedown on my pillow and I couldnt breathe. I was so scared. I talked to a woman at the church and she told me that it happens because a witch (or something evil) is riding your back. She told me that when its happening to call out God or Jesus. Ok so that next time it happened and I called Jesus and I snapped right out of it. I also have very bad dreams about the world ending and God coming back and I am left. I also have dreams of people dying, getting sick, going to jail, antyhing negative and the scary things is. . . . they come true. I got to the point that I was terried and sometimes still am of going to sleep that I stay up. I dont have the dreams any more bc I pray before I go to sleep and I also sleep with a bible underneath my pillow. It helped me out a whole lot. All I can suggest is to try it. It will not hurt.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
I used to take drugs and I had a psychotic episode. I had nightmares for months where i cant move. one time I was asleep and my eyes were open and my face was pale and my boyfriend thought i was dead when he woke me i was screaming and shit like one dream I was in a room and it got dark and I got really afraid because i thought there wa a biker hiding in the closet going to kill me was on the floor lying helpless and i was trying desperately to turn the light switch on. when I woke up i was sitting in up in bed with my hand up the wall and i knocked a picture off the wall above the bed.
and I went to my family home and the dreams got worse i used to cry and yell in my sleep and sweat lke crazy and no one could wake me up my little brother used to watch me and my dog gizmo would lick my hand lol the funny thing was that when i woke up from those ones i didnt rememebr them
i think the reason theyre evil is because its got something to do with your wild instincts nd how u deal with danger. and u get overwhelmed with fear.
its very very scary when u have a drug episode and ur mind goes a bit crazy....because its like ur scared but its such a raw feeling like animalistic and u just go into survival mode.....reflections would scare me pretty much everything I would even thinkup the worse.
I think succubuses and incubus re responsible for sleep paralysis
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Apr 13, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 295 · Topics: 32
Didn't realize people were posting here til i came looking for this thread tonight. Will catch up on responses tomorrow, but I just wanted to leave this here.
Sweet dreams guys...
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
thats very cool^^ and very scary also because its real
the only thing in the world that can scare me is going crazy and nightmares....because nightmares although not real ur emotions just go crazy...
I loved the concept of freddy kruger because he gets u while ur sleeping u are so vunerable. and sometimes they would wake up from a bad dream but hes just fucking with them and theyre still in the nightmare.......if that happened to me id kill myself....but id probably just wake up again...and again and again till i went insane.....
actually it would be cooler if he didnt kill them just freaked the kids out till they were retarded and just dribbliing messes
hahah funny how i said incubus and succubuses are responsible and the paralyasis chemical goes to ur eroginous areas making guys hard